Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bad News I'm Afraid....

Hi All,

I know, I know, I've not blogged for ages. I've been well and not had a lot to say. Unfortunately my swallowing has deteriorated recently and so tests (which were for once not scheduled) were swiftly arranged. Yesterday I had an endoscopy which showed (so I am told) the tumour spreading into my upper stomach and up my oesophagus from the lower junction where it was originally. This is the first really bad news for over 18 months.

I have a full CT scan and meeting with my hero oncologist today so will blog tonight with the latest news. I will keep blogging if I'm starting treatment again too.

Just to fill you in with other news, we had a great two weeks in Antigua early in the month - fantastic sunshine therapy and then back to the snow. Amy held the fort business wise whilst we were away and did a great job. She's in Aussie with James at the moment. We're off to the cottage in France with my Mum and Dad for the new year.

Congratulations to Anthea Burrell (my best mate's daughter) who has just given birth to a bouncing (9lb 7oz - ouch) baby boy called Cody. He's a fantastic little chap and I've already had lots of holds and cuddles and tackled an 'interesting' nappy! Not lost the knack!

Check in later for more news and if you have kept looking at my blog despite me not writing too much recently then thanks.

As always Teresa is working hard and looking out for me; thank-you my darling.

Have a great Christmas everyone.

Luv Dave xx


Anonymous said...

Praying for my boy and all the family
Will look in again tonight
Love Mu & Ken

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to also post a thanks to chlo chlo! I know she's been working hard to look after things at home whilst your away sunning yourselves I'm sure. she's a real blessing to us and Im sure she is to you too.

Happy new year everyone.

Best wishes and prayers for 2010.

Tony P.