Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Keep Fighting....

Well guys...

The sickness is beaten (for now at least!); the new pills mentioned in my last blog have really done the trick. Unfortunately I've added a rather troublesome and remarkably painful chest infection into the equation which saw me at the BEDOC service at South Wing hospital on Sunday evening. I'm on lots of anti-biotics for now but still coughing up nasty brown stuff - YUK! Other that this I'm putting on weight and the chemo scheduled now for the week commencing the 19th April still looks as though it will happen.

We had a great Sunday going to WNL in the morning and sharing the rest of the day with friends - fantastic!

We are off to the cottage in France on Friday for a week with the kids and adding a few business calls in for Teresa in the South West on the way to the Plymouth-Roscoff ferry. Tonight Teresa and I are spending our first night on the new boat which is really exciting. We are preparing the cottage to rent out and if you are interested we've still a few summer holiday weeks left.

Thanks for checking in my friends.



Jackie G said...

Happy Easter Dave, Flo and kids - so good to hear good things are happening and you have travel plans in place; ones that I know you will enjoy having read your previous blogs about your trips to France. An overnight stay on your lovely boat eh? On your own eh? You are feeling better eh? Could there be romance in the air? Enjoy it and have lots of hugs and revel in the love and contentment that always comes in heaps and heaps for a wonderful couple like you. From the smiling lady Jackie G x x x

Anonymous said...

Hey, Smiley Dave,
Have a great trip...port and brandy is good for chest infections, and funnily enough it is also good for hangovers, so either way you're on to a winner!
My prayers for this week will be that you are able to relax in the love of God,and for His healing power to continue to wash over you.
Hey guys, go "Rock the Boat",
love and blessings as always,
Sianaroonie x
PS, got puppies at last.......9 survivors out of 11!!!!
You must pop over and see them, don't know how we will be able to let them go in 8 weeks...keeping one, though, but WHICH one????? x