Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brittany Pics

Me and Amy....

Amy & James

The Redfern Clan

My Grandfather's war Grave near Caen


My girls

My Florence....

The studly son....


Jane Charsley said...

Hi Dave,
Some great photos of your lovely family and sounds like a good holiday for you all. Chatted to Carys in the playground last week and asked after you & your good lady - and Carys said "have a look at his blog" - so I have! Life sounds as hectic as ever - I know I am wondering how I ever managed to fit in going to work, now I don't go there any more... I keep being distracted by my allotment which we only took on in April, but has already given us lots of produce. Housework or allot? Hard choice really (not!). Anyway will have more time now as Jessica has just started in Reception! Such a big girl now - she says it is 'fun' and they haven't done any hard work!
Hope your health continues to be good and will be thinking of you on Oct 2nd.
Take care,
Jane & Charsley clan

Anonymous said...

Hi Dovid, Flo and all the gang,
Good to hear all is well, and you are enjoying your family and friends.
You do seem very busy, but since you have laid down your preaching duties for a while (we will miss you), it seems to me as if on a Sunday you will have a bit of spare time on your hands...perfect time then to get a PONY, and maybe some CHICKENS!
Thought I had forgotten? NEVER.!
Seriously, you continue to inspire us all. Praise God for His blessings on you and your family, and for the way you bless others.

Sianaroonie x
P.S busy here too, got the circuit admin job!