Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hi All,

Once more thanks for checking in on me; it’s great to know that you care! We are doing really well at the moment; business is brisk for Teresa and I’m well.

I had a great fishing trip two weeks ago on a rough channel off Newhaven. Needless to say I caught only one fish! Actually I was quite relieved having watched the others desperately trying to get hooks out of slimly thrashing half dead fish. The boat was pitching and rolling and a couple of our compatriots parted company with their early morning fry up. All good fun. Thank goodness for travel sickness pills. Actually is was a great day; loads of fun and a first for me.

Teresa picked up her new car today, a long awaited Merc convertible (SLK), goodness knows she deserves it; she works so hard. Must admit even a ‘none car lover’ me enjoys driving it!

Last Sunday the Wootton youth group (XLR8) lead the harvest service. I was so proud of them. They planned the whole service and even preached. Young people get such a bad press but these guys are heroes. We are sponsoring Bedfordshire Young Person Of The Year (YOPEY) and this week I’ve lead two assemblies in local schools promoting the whole event. It culminates with a big award ceremony at Woburn Abbey in November with the Duke of Bedford. The whole idea is that young people who are excellent role models are revealed, recognised and rewarded.

I’m at Cliff this week for a MPhil tutorial and then to France on Thursday for a long weekend with my good mates David and Adrian who I went to Spain with earlier in the year. The week after we have a master’s conference followed by a few days Majorca visiting a friend and new franchisee. It’s all go!

I’ve stopped preaching on a Sunday but I am running a 7 week bible study at WNL on ‘A People Called Methodists’ and we’ve just started Youth Alpha with XLR8. So all in all I’m keeping busy.

Health’s OK, next scan is soon and I meet with the oncologist next on October 9th.

Well, think that’s about it for now,

Luv Dave

1 comment:

jackie g said...

Wow - busy or what? Reading what you are doing/planning makes my life seem positively slow paced!! I just wouldn't have the energy to do what you do/planning to do (now I remember why I nicknamed you 'Eveready' after the batteries with longer life!!) Keep it up and enjoy everything - the car sounds great by the way - nothing like a convertible and I hope Flo (and you) have many hours with the roof down and the wind blowing through your hair.

The photos are lovely by the way - its been a long time since I have seen your family - Amy hasn't changed a bit but son and youngest daughter have just shot up - have you been giving them tomato liquid food? Fortunate man having such a blooming and gorgeous family.

Keep thriving David and keep up the support you give to others in your church - how wonderful to read about the younger generation and the positive way they approach life and their community. Personally, its very re-assuring when the news regularly conveys so many bad things!

Keep up the blogs (they are so good to read) - have fun and enjoy your busy busy schedule x