Monday, November 16, 2009

1 Year And No Treatment!

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update from the Redfers. I'm doing OK; a few swallowing problems but nothing to worry about. My next appointment with the oncologist is in January and I'll post again then and let you know how it's going.

I'm not going to bore you all with the minutiae of my life; to be honest the more I told everyone the more some people felt empowered to comment on the vast number of holidays I take! I plan to take loads more too! Seriously, when I was in treatment it was great to keep everyone up to date with all the detail but now I'm so much better it seems a bit 'precious'.

It's been a year since my last chemo - a whole year and I'm still well; how cool is that?

Check in again in January 2010 for the latest update.

Have a great Christmas & new year everyone.

Best wishes

Dave xx


Jackie G said...

Enjoy every moment, Indulge yourself, Have fun and lots of holidays, keep going, Smile, Love, give Kisses and Hugs freely and always keep your friends and family CLOSE. Have a great Christmas and a smashing New Year Redferns - I'll check in again January 2010!!

PS My 2nd dog (Murphy) takes permanent residence with us tomorrow joining the lovely Scooby - WOW - am I excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

no blog entry til january?????? how about facebook as a stopgap?????

Helen Brown said...

Hi Dave,

Just want you to know that I keep checking up on you, and remember you in prayer. So thrilled that you are so well.
Every blessing, my friend.

Helen (Brown)

Anonymous said...

What? So you're not going to share with the blog world you just got back from a 2 week holiday in the Caribbean?! Aww man you MUST'VE meant every word of your post.

Hee hee. No I couldn't agree more =) Oh wow and 1 year since your last treatment, as I said last year...bring on 2010!!

Nah I don't think facebook is something David's very keen on. He says "it's of the devil"... (jokes) facebook is only for cool people. teehee! Lovely post this one was.

Love you x

-Chlo Chlo

Dee Vincent-Day said...

Aww David,

no posts until January :(

Glad you have managed to go so long without treatment.

I have been a lurker of late but I am still here thinking of you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Jackie G and Chlo Chlo, don't encourage it. Holidays are good! Be real mate, aren't there limits to the amount you can take?

Good to hear your news David.

May God bless you,



Lesley Hamilton-Messer said...

Hi Dave - great so see you doing so well. Have a GREAT Christmas and take all the holidays you can. Here's to 2010.