Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Great Weekend

Hi all; had a fantastic (albeit) hectic weekend. We headed off to Derby on Saturday morning to drop the kids off at my mum and dad's before heading up to John & Amanda's hotel 'The Bear' near Belper in Derbyshire. At 4.00 they renewed their wedding vows in a lovely ceremony and then we had a great black tie evening 'do'. There was a brilliant comedian and musician followed by a hog roast and fantastic live band; we danced the night away. Found a great silver dickie bow to complement the dinner jacket and tie in the anniversary theme.

In the morning we headed down to Ambergate to visit my auntie and uncle who have a new camper van which we had a good explore of, then back to Derby for a lunch and a snooze in mum and dad's conservatory.

On Monday Teresa's mum and sisters Debs and Linsay joined us. We have lunch at the Bell (pub opposite our house) and then had a sunny afternoon on the boat. It was great to see them - we had a laugh and a drink or two.

I Met with Graham (our minister) yesterday afternoon to talk through the preaching issue. Feel relieved to have laid it down for now - I was getting increasingly stressed by it and to be honest running out of things to say! If I'm still clear next year I'll pick it up again. Graham was really gracious; all my appointments on this plan have been covered - I'm told not to worry!

Really looking forward to a mad sea fishing trip to Newhaven on Sunday with my mad mate David B and 'the boys'. Really don't 'do' fish so if you want any fresh fish on Monday just let me know!

Next scan is Oct 2nd with the results a week later - hope it will be OK. Should be!

Thanks for checking in.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave - great to see you last Thursday, so full of beans and poz as usual... although I'm still struggling to know how you find the strength to do it. The rest of need to pinch ourselves sometimes when our chips are down.

Keep in touch.


Rob Conolly

PS - if this gets through it would be great if you could let me know so I can tick it off from the list of teckie stuff that I have mastered.