Wednesday, December 23, 2009

More Chemo & Radiotherapy In 2010

Hi Guys,

Well had the full CT scan this morning and then a meeting with my oncologist and upper GI nurse. It would appear that things are pretty much as the endoscopy suggested yesterday. The tumour has spread from it's original site in the junction of the gullet into the top of my stomach. This growth combined with the radiotherapy damage (fibrosis) is causing the swallowing difficulties. Talking to Dr Bulusu it would appear that I've done very well to have no spread until now and he doesn't seem too concerned. I'm booked in for a course of radiotherapy at Addenbrookes and the start of Chemotherapy (Capacitemene tablets) after Christmas. This should help keep the little blighter in place.

The good news is that there is no sign of any secondary tumour which is a real relief, liver, lungs etc. are all clear. He's explained how the tumour and fibrosis affects the 'motility' of the oesophagus and stomach meaning that food doesn't go down as quickly as it might and my brain gets told by my belly 'I'm full'.

All in all, two years on things could be a lot worse, I respond well to chemo and it's been 18 months since the last treatment. I'm relying on your prayers and God's intervention.

Thanks for checking in.



Anonymous said...

Praising God
See you on Christmas Eve
Love Mu & Ken

Jane Charsley said...

Hi Dave,
Had looked at your site hoping for Christmas cheer so was sorry to see that things have progressed again... Really hoping that the chemo & radiotherapy do the trick and are bearable for you, and thinking and praying for you - and your family - take care,Have a good Christmas,

Love Jane & the Charsleys xx

Anonymous said...

You never know where the cancer will pop up next but it is a case of not throwing the towel in. I last had chemo in 2003 - did not respond and then took 'Tarceva' then a new super drug for 3 months in 2006 - not responsive. I have managed to survive since then with the love of God and lots of support from family and friends and a great oncologist and nurse specialists. I live with lung cancer which kills 290,000 people in the UK each year. I can't get much luckier than that. Presently I have acute bronchitis but I am weathering the storm so to speak. Best of luck with the treatment. Love Jenny Collyer

Anonymous said...

Well Dovid
The prayers never stopped, neither did Gods intervention, thankfully.
I know you will have had a great Christmas with your lovely family showering you with love.
We will continue to "Stare the monster down" with prayer and faith in Gods miracle of healing.
We send you all our love, and a promise that the prayers will get LOUDER.
Every blessing,
Sianaroonie xxx

Marion Stroud said...

We're standing with you both Dave, one day at a time and one step at a time. Keep us posted. Marion and Gordon

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave and Teresa
sad to see the wretched cancer is causing problems again. Glad to note your positive attitude remains in tact! Keep smiling. Am praying for you.
love Lucy