Friday, January 1, 2010


Hi everyone and New Year Greetings from Brittany. Hope you have a great 2010 and all the happiness, peace and prosperity you can handle.

We’ve had a great Christmas and are enjoying our New Year break here, reserves are built up for round #3 of treatment in January. I’ll keep you briefed as to dates and how it’s going as the month progresses. The aim is to halt the spread into my stomach. They are holding further intravenous chemo in reserve to handle secondary spread as and when. It’s amazing to think that it was the presence of ‘specks’ of malignancy on my diaphragm and inside my body cavity that denied me the chance of surgery (only ‘human’ cure) in the first place. That spread was absolutely stopped in its tracks and, did not originally (and has not since) developed into anything nasty.

Health-wise I’m doing OK, swallowing happens (with some water) but I do feel sick sometimes. This is a very small price to pay for still being around. I’m very blessed. Diagnosed in 2007, given 9 months and still here in 2010. Brill – roll on 2011. Got loads planned for 2010 including decadent holidays with my lovely wife and family, mad breaks away with mates and lots of boating when the sun shines again. I utterly intend to live life to the full so brace yourselves for all the details!

I’ll blog next in a week or so after we are back from France and the treatment’s started.

God Bless

Dave xxxx

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