Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quick update

Morning Folks

Quick update today...had the results of the biopsy yesterday which confirmed a virus and David was started on anitviral medication last night which he needs to be on for 48 hrs. They have also (finally!) sorted out his pain relief and he is on morphine patches which are doing the trick. They have also changed the feed to a more nutritious one so it should get his energy levels up.

He is feeling much better today and is hoping to be able to try something to eat tomorrow which is great news. They are going to re-assess him on Thursday with hopefully a view to letting him out maybe Friday if all is looking good (please pray that he gets out before the weekend!!!)

All good news and thanks again for all your support! Sorry it's a brief one today...when he gets out David has loads to share with you about his experiences in Elizabeth ward!

signing off...a madly busy Florence xx


Jackie G said...

Hiya Florence and Dave,

Its been 3 weeks since I last looked at the blog as we have been away - came back to read the up and down journey you have both been on - what strength, what courage you both have. I can imagine how easy it would be to give up and give in to the illness but I'm sure that any drop in belief and faith will only be very temporary cos you are both fighters and your love of GOD is resolute. I shall pray every day, using the words that Dave posted in a previous blog and my love surrounds you and your family. I know this helps - it would help me. Your friends are great and I love reading their comments. So many people love you and you know GOD does too. So I'm looking forward to reading you are back on the way up again, feeling good and enjoying food and drink pain free. Love you lots Jackie x

C2C4CF said...

We often look at this blog to see how Dave's doing - sorry to hear you're having a rough patch - will be praying.....
The Hudsons

Anonymous said...

Hi Flo and Dovid,
Praying, as I blog that tomorrow you will be togehter at home again.
ooooops, spolling booby, I meant togeTHer!
When you say they have put him on a more nutritious feed, do you mean "nutritious" as in gin, or Pimms?
Booze not good for you...gives you "numb bum"....!
Sorry, as soon as I begin to blog, my mind starts racing for the next bottom joke...stop it Siany.
Seriously, if you think they are in bad taste, and you want me to stop, all you have to do is ars*k, and I promise not to crack any more...xxxx
Flo, you do not need anyone to tell you how amazing you are, coping with all this, and still sounding cheerful.
We will pray for added strength for you, as well as continued healing for Dove.
We serve a God of miracles, who delights in our prayers, so He will continue to hear a lot from us here in Lid!
Thanks for keeping us all in the loop Flo, no offence, but looking forward to "hearing" Dovids news soon as he leaves the hospital bed "behind" him...
Every blessing to you all, and lots of love and cyber hugs too.
C'mon God, no trace.

Sianaroonie xxxxx