Sunday, January 31, 2010

Still in hospital

Good morning all,

Well I was hoping it would be my hubby who would be blogging this morning but I'm afraid you're stuck with me again.

He is still in hospital and at the moment it looks like he will be in there until at least the end of next week. Just to let you know where we are at....

1/ The surgery on his bum was a great success and things are healing nicely which is good news.

2/ He is currently being fed gloop through a tube down his nose - it was a horrible experience for him getting it put in and it made him sick initially but things finally settled down and he is tolerating the feed and his weight has stabilised - so more good news.

3/ We are still awaiting the results of the biopsy on the infection in his stomach which is frustrating as the pain is getting worse and they won't treat it until they know exactly what is causing it. Dr Belusu and Eleanor came to see us on Friday and Dr Belusu said that due to the radiotherapy many of the cells in the top of his stomach were dead and the infection likes to breed on this 'dead' area. We are hoping to get the results on Monday and hopefully get some treatment going.

The bad news is that because the pain and the swallowing are worse he is unlikely to be able to come home until they can sort both of these out which will take a I'm home alone at the moment and taking the opportunity to get up to all sorts of mischief (not -sadly!)

He is constantly tired as the ward is noisy at night and is finding the increased pain quite hard to deal with and although he is getting a lot of pain relief it often doesn't seem that effective to be honest. It is hard to see him looking so poorly but he's in the right place and we just need to keep him there until he's on the mend. He sends lots of hugs and thanks to everyone - it's wonderful to know you're all there praying for us and thinking of us - it's what's keeping me sane at the moment.

Take care -will blog again when we know more

Flo xx


Anonymous said...


Just to say i am thinking of you all and hope David gets stronger soon, and that you get the results back soon so they can start the treatment needed.

Love to all

Lindsey Llewellyn

Jane Charsley said...

Hi Teresa,
Sorry to hear David is still 'enjoying' the pleasures of the NHS - but as you say he is in the right place at the moment, and being fed to help give him the physical strength to fight the infection and everything else! Let's hope they can get him the right antibiotics/pain relief so he can be out of there as soon as possible.
We are all thinking of you and if there is anything we can do then let us know,
Take care,
Love Jane