Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quite A Week

Hi All,

Had quite a week! Lots of trips to hospital to get my nose feeding tube re-fitted as everytime I honk it pops out to say hello! To be honest I've just started to put it back myself now (don't tell anyone). I really want to avoid having a 'peg' fitted which is a valve in your tummy and obviously not too pleasant. Eating normally still hurts very much though is just about possible. The pain relief is working well and keeping me comfortable - just.

My next scan is on the 22nd with feedback on the 25th. Let's hope and pray that there is no further spread or nasty secondaries making an appearance anywhere.

We are off to CenterParcs tomorrow for a Monday to Monday holiday which should be fun. I'm not allowed to swim but will happily spectate with a good book and my feeding pump keeping my gloop levels topped up.

There is little or no internet connection at CenterParcs so I'll probably not be able to blog until we get back.

Thanks for checking in, keep praying!




Unknown said...

Thinking of you and praying for you. Have a good week. Lynne & Nick xxxx

Anonymous said...

I hear you're painting too Dovid! Not too pleased to hear this. I suppose you're making money too.


From 2 very concerned friends.