Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Morning

Hi All,

A Sunday morning update.

Yesterday was a lot less eventful than Friday; no more emergency tube replacement trips to the hospital needed. I'm starting to get into a routine with the feeding. I start at 5.00 pm and then overnight to 8.00 am; 15 hours a day of glorious nourishing gloop. They can supply me with a ruck sack for 'food on the go'.. not sure that it wouldn't look a little 'sad' but what's new eh?

Seemed to have got the pain sorted thanks to Fentanyl which I'm assured is not addictive but really hits the spot. It does have some side effects including itching, sweating and twitching - lovely!

Just wanted to thank all those who visited me in hospital so thanks to:

  • My long-suffering wife and kids Carys, James & Chloe.
  • My mum and dad - all the way from Derby.
  • Amy & James Fokkens (my lovely oldest daughter and her hubbie).
  • Nick Hearn (thanks for the mags mate).
  • Stuart Simms and the Goodson clan (David, Suzy and Ben) from Church.
  • Our minister - Rev Graham Miles.
  • My brill mates (Da Boyz) David B & Adrian F from sunny Leicestershire (you keep me sane(ish).

Actually getting excited about going out today. Only to IKEA in MK but a trip none the less. We are looking a kitchens as ours is looking a little 'tired' these days.

Think that's all for now.

Best wishes from Gloop Central.

Dave xx


angela Brydon said...

Hi David

You posted this just as Matthew and I were preparing to go to your mad church for worship this morning!! A dose of WNLMC madness is an excellent tonic!

But enough about me! I'm so glad to sense that your spirit of positiveness has returned. And that you are getting used to your new diet! And the pain reflief is sorted!

God Bless you and rest assured prayers are as ever buggin God to ease your pain and make you better!

Take care


Jane Charsley said...

Hi Dave,
Glad to hear things are doing a little better with the feed etc - and hopefully the pain will soon ease, but keep on with the drugs! Was good to have Carys round on Thursday - both Jessica and Emily enjoyed playing with her! She'll have to come over again in a few weeks when the cat we are fostering has her kittens!!
Keep on with the gloop and keep warm (as I watch the sleety snow fall outside...)

Take care,
Jane x

Anonymous said...

Greetings Gloopy, (wasn't he one of the seven dwarves?).

Glad your back home, and looking forward to a "mini break" to Ikea.
A little retail therapy can be a great lift.
When you said about the side effects of the pain relief...itching, sweating and twitching, I think you will find that is the "menopause" dear!!!Other symptoms to look out for are, very red face, bunions and beard growth in areas you would rather be smooth!
There are advantages, however, such as you can tell people you are having a hot flush, and your red face is nothing to do with the several G&T's consumed before dinner, or, you are sweating beacause you have just completed your daily workout, which you are totally committed to, at least the beard is all your own hair.....
not convinced huh?
Well, good to hear you sounding sane in all the madness, enjoy the bumming around (oops)and daytime T.V for a while until your batteries are fully charged.
Sending lots of love and many prayers your way,
Sianaroonie x