Sunday, January 17, 2010

Addenbrookes Update

Hi everyone..

I spent last week in Addenbrookes hospital Cambridge have 5 consecutive sessions of radiotherapy on my oesophagus and upper stomach. Rather than traveling each day I stopped over there in a budget hotel on my own and then Teresa joined me and we booked into somewhere a bit posher! I can recommend the Felix Hotel in Cambridge.

I'm feeling OK, quite tired from the chemo tablets and I have absolutely no appetite at all. Seriously I make myself eat because I know I have to. I never feel hungry and more than a few mouthfuls leaves me feeling sick. If you are praying for me then a return of my normally healthy appetite would be a good place to start. Thanks.

Looking forward to welcoming my cousin Julia and her boyfriend David for lunch today and then a quiet week next week getting over the treatment. Might just have planned a night out with my mates next Friday (for medicinal purposes you understand). I have a scan booked again in early Feb to check that things haven't spread further.

Promise I'll keep blogging and letting you all know what's happening.



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