Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Florence Update

Hi all - quick update for you!

Many thanks for all your kind comments on the last blog, my poor hubbie has been in a lot of pain and discomfort over the past couple of weeks and it has really got him down as you might imagine. This is the first time since the diagnosis that he has had any prolonged period of feeling unwell and not being able to eat, drink or poo without experiencing severe pain has not been a great deal of fun as you can imagine!

After a lovely day of thanksgiving and celebration on Sunday when we had the privilege of being asked to be godparents to Alfie and standing with Nick and Sarah at the christening of both Lucy and Alfie, David finally he gave in (I was about to kill him myself!!) and was submitted for observation on Monday at Bedford Hospital acute admissions. After various proddings and pokings etc. he was put on a drip and had surgery on his bum on Monday night.

I went to see him yesterday afternoon and although tired and rather doped up ( he is having morphine every 4 hours) he was able to get some food and drink down which was a very positive step. The surgery went well apparently (thanks to Mr Skipper who came in especially to perform it!) and although he has an enormous bruise which I'm sure makes you all wince ( it did me!) he seems to think that things are feeling a little better down below - time will tell I'm sure!!

Crunch day is today as he is having another endoscopy this morning to determine what is causing all the pain when he is swallowing. They will then decide if he needs any further surgery or treatment. I will give you an update once I know more but please pray that it is just damage from the radiotherapy and not anything more sinister.

Thanks again for all your prayers and phone calls and visits (David and Graham) and offers of help. I know it's a cliche but when you feel you have no strength left God steps in and carries you and that's where I feel we are (again!) at this moment. It's a very simple truth but very precious.

Florence xxx

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