Thursday, April 17, 2008

Addenbrookes Tattoo Parlour


Went to Addenbrookes today for me 'tats'! This is a hospital on a massive scale; it makes friendly little Bedford seem tiny. When I arrive at the Bedford Primrose unit everyone knows you by first name, lots of lovely volunteers make you tea and toast; all quite cosy really. Addenbrookes is enormous. You're a bit anonymous. The appointment was over in 15 minutes. I was scanned, tattooed with three permanent 'dots' and sent home again. I have to go back on 1st May for 'Simulator Verification' - whatever that is? It takes about an hour to get there.

When I got home I had a great three hours pottering in the garden - I'm becoming quite addicted - very therapeutic.

My auntie and uncle visited yesterday - it was great to see them. We had a lovely lunch at a pub and a great red wine and cheese supper once Florence got home from work.

Really starting to look forward to Stockholm now. All the details for the conference came through today. Everything takes place at St Claras; the cathedral in the centre of the city - I'm told it is a very beautiful city. Anyone got a Stockholm city guide I could borrow?

Think that's about it for today, need to make dinner for Florence and pour her a G&T.

See ya



Anonymous said...

Hi Dovid,
Been a bit up and down over the last couple of days eh?
Thank the Lord He is carrying you in His rucksack!
Bit disappointed to hear you only had three dots tattooed on yer chest, that was a bit wimpish really, after all your big talk of bulldogs and daggers. Still, a new game for the kids....join the dots on Dovid.
Not blogged for a few days, sorry, Dove, but parenting teenage children seems to be taking it out of us a bit lately.We might have read all the parenting guides, but the kids haven't!
I get my beloved Volvo back tomorrow. I have to pick it up from Biggleswade. Neil is off to Wales to pick Adam up, who has been staying with my parents all week, so its up to me to collect it. I am USELESS at finding places I have already been to, let alone somewhere I have NEVER been ( once got lost in Bedford, had to ask a police lady the way home!!!), so I am taking my friend Pat (the other half of the "comedy duo"), so she can be my navigator.Just hope the sewing machine on wheels can cope with the trip.
I can "feel" your excitement about Stockholm, and John is really looking forward to spending time with you, too. BEHAVE! ..I am sure there will be much love and laughter in that trip.
Well better go now, someone shouting MUUUUM!
Prayers, as always, constant.
Love as always constant.
Request, as always, trace.

LOL and hugs and admiration .
Sianaroonie xxxxxxxxxxxx
LOL to Florence. x
These flamin' letters....zhpbpk !!!!

Kloser...(sorry,a bit "cheaty")

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry I have not commented for the past six weeks. Sorry to her you have been suffering some pain. At least doctors have some very powerful medication to enable you to manage the pain. Hopefully it is not with you all the time.

I have been busy with my new job and am really enjoying it in spite of two hours of driving per day. At least it is across the Pennines and affords beautiful views. The other day we had an unexpected heavy snowfall it was s beautiful but I was half an hour late for work because the roads were treacherous.

I am very jealous of your gardening exploits. I find gardening theraputic but unfortunately my garden is now a 6 ft by 4 ft patch at the front of my house!! I have big plans t dig up the concrete in the back yard but I fear this job will be too big for me on my own.