Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WNL to 2013!!!

Hi Blogsville Trooperoonies

Yesterday's meeting at WNL (Wootton New Life) went well. David Goodson chaired and planned the whole evening brilliantly. I never was much cop at facilitation, more of a presenter really - David is facilitator extraordinaire. We looked at what we do well as a community, what we could do better, what we'd seen work elsewhere, what might get in the way of future plans and our big goals over the next 5 years. It was a really profitable night. Hope I'm going to be around in 2013 to see it ll come to fruition. Mu & Ken (our leaders) started by talking through the story so far - this couple deserve a medal; in God they have turned the church around from nearly closed to thriving and what's more they feel it is time to step back in the near future - how gracious is that! In other circumstances I've seen people literally dragged kicking and screaming into moving on or stepping down. Ken & Mu's response to God's prompting is a real challenge - how easily would any of us let go of something that's been our lives for the past 7 years? What saints.

Health wise things are not too good. My swallowing has worsened over the past couple of days and I'm getting some pain in my tummy now too. Bog off bloomin cancer!! Back on the painkillers again. Come on God - do your stuff. Please pray that I'm OK for Stockholm next week.

I've got a youth group to preare now on 'Atheism' so I'd better get on!

Thanks for being there for me.

Dave. xxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi David
Food for thought -
Always listen to your doubts
Not just because they might teach you of your fears, but because sometimes they might teach you of your wisdom.
The problems you are experiencing now are just obstacles for you to climb over and will open up wonderful opportunities - just wait and see. Get plenty of rest and relaxation.It is of paramount importance for your forthcoming radiotherapy.
We are in the Crown Court tomorrow but only as visitors thankfully.
Been busy today sanding down our wooden headboard and then some gardening and then entertaining our neighbour who recently lost her husband.
Too late for me to go through today's letters. Bed calls.
Praying for you each day.
Jenny x