Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Has Sprung. Amen!

Hurrah; spring at last!! Great to feel some warmth, I was wondering if winter would ever end! I managed yet more gardening yesterday and spent even more at the garden centre. Chloe said she could hear me singing and whistling the whole time I was out there.

We’re off to Stockholm tomorrow, really excited about it, we’ve got our kronor and city guide but with 10 hours to go haven’t packed a thing yet – we’ll be getting up early I think.

I’ve been a busy boy today rushing around Bedford town buying things we need for our trip, doing the banking and this afternoon baking banana muffins for the youth group tonight. What a house husband! How did I ever find time to work? People who don’t know me very well have always said I’d go mad if I didn’t work – doh! Far from it, not working is the one of the good things that’s come out of this mess. It has released time for what matters my wonderful wife and kids, family, friends, holidays and church.

At youth group tonight I finally taught the atheism session I’d prepared last week but was too ill to run. It went down well. These young people are a real blessing; to hear them praying and worshiping makes all the prep worthwhile. They are a great bunch, helping lead XLR8 is a privilege. We’re off to the MAYC (Methodist Association Of Youth Clubs) weekend festival in July. It’s held this year at Cliff College where I’ve done my MA (still no result).

Health is good, actually really good at the moment. Swallowing is normal, no pain, no chemo side effects apart from feeling a little bit sick. My week off starts tomorrow. – brill!

Heard today that another insurance policy is to pay out. This is mixed blessing. The particular policy only pays out if you have 12 months or less left. This means the consultant must have responded to their ‘how long’s he got’ question with the answer ‘less than twelve months’ – sobering really. I’m 110% committed to proving them wrong. Ideal scenario is receiving the pay out and being healed. I’ve already checked that you don’t have to give it back if you get better.

Please pray specifically on Thursday & Friday evenings when the main meetings are taking place. Bill Johnson (the main speaker) is seeing some pretty amazing miracles in his church in California – Lord, do your stuff in Stockholm too!

God Bless – Thanks for being there for me.

Dave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

the alfage said...

Hi Uncle Dave,
I went to your house to pick up Carys for her swimming lesson today. It is still standing you will be pleased to know. Carys did really well at swimming today.
We will all be praying for you over the next few days. I am sure that I will be up during the night as usual. Mummy and daddy think I am crying but really it is loads of baby prayer!! Have a really good time in Stockholm. Give Aunty Teresa lots of cuddles for me and we all can't wait to see you when you get back.
Loads of love from The Alfage XXXXXXXXXx