Monday, April 7, 2008

Great News - Praise God!

Hi Guys,

Great news today - the scan result showed the tumour is a lot smaller and the opening my oesophagus a lot bigger. Thank you Lord and the NHS! The comparisons on the cross section CT scan between last January and now clearly show a big improvement and (to quote the oncologist) 'I have responded must better than expected'. He was really pleased. In addition to the chemo they have decided to get a lot more aggressive and add radiotherapy into the frame. This is still palliative treatment - no one is talking about a cure - this remains (humanly) impossible but is still fantastic news and a real answer to payer. Having chemo and radiotherapy at the same time is tough and will mean a two hour daily commute each day to Cambridge Addenbrookes - the oncologist feels that it will be really worthwhile.

Chemo number 4 starts on Wednesday and I'm ready and 'up for it' - bring it on! My mum & dad are coming down to look after me again. Thanks ma & pa!

We had two great services on Sunday. In the morning the worship was wonderful and Pat Lilley from our Willington congregation preached really well on the Emmaus Rd and the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel. The evening 'Refresh' service was very special - a great sense of  God's  presence and a challenging word from Steve Le Page the pastor at Rutland Road Evangelical Church in town. All in all a great if not snowy Sunday!

We're off out tonight for dinner to some friends from our old church at Woodside so I'd better sign off and collect my wonderful Florence from work.

God bless, thanks for your prayers and great news for you too Jenny - we'll prove them wrong eh?

God Bless.



Anonymous said...

Thine be the glory - Life does not always go as planned but when we get a bit of good news it hits the spot and makes the obstacles worthwhile. There is no cure for me either from a medical point of view - but never say never. I have had good care from the NHS and they do the very best they can with the resources and knowledge they have at their disposal.
Chemo and Radiotherapy combined will be hard but you will come through it stronger in every way.
Love to your Ma and Pa and family.
Take care Jenny x

John write these things in a book said...


jumping (up and down)

Dave - will give you a call asap to rev up the whooping glad that things are improving. Praise God indeed as you so rightly said.....

love to you guys


Thea said...

David, this is great Good News indeed. We thank God and continue to pray for more of the same.
Thea Lee and the Flitwick Prayer Gang