Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back Home To Another Snowy Sunday

Hi Blogland Trooperoonies,

Back home again - we set off on Saturday morning bright and early (6.00 UK time) and got back to Bedford eleven hours later. We caught the fast ferry from Caen. Needless to say I slept from the cottage to Caen (three hours), on the boat and then all the way from Portsmouth to Bedford.

Can't believe we woke to snow this morning when we are still nursing sunburnt arms from Friday in France.

We had a great service this morning at Wootton New Life and then went out for lunch with our mates Dave & Suzy. We've got our 'Refresh' service tonight which is always fab - Chloe and James are coming with me; I'm really looking forward to it. We love our church so much - it's great to be a part of such an amazing family.

I get my scan results tomorrow - I'll let you know how it goes. Keep praying.

God Bless

Dave xxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi David
I think the snow has surprised us all but it looks pretty. It is coming down as I write although I doubt it will settle.
Like you I am at the hospital tomorrow for the results of a CT Scan. What will be will be and we have to soldier on courageously.
I will be thinking of you as I hope you will be thinking of me.
The Lord will be with us.
Take care, Jenny x

Anonymous said...

God bless you both, Jenny and Dovid.
Sorry, cannot make Refresh....Got reversed into at Marston garage last Sat....long car,driver got no insurance, and Neil got "man flu". Can you believe...cannot drive Neils car, as seatbelt too short!!!!! Weebles syndrome.
Hey, yearning continues,
Jenny and trace..
Much love and many prayers,
Sianaroonie. xxxxx
Oh man, letters once again really you make yours up, Johnboy?
Yes, had a can of rocket fuel........So what.

Dovid, would have loved to have been there tonight to give you non-internet hugs....
love ya xxxx
Thinking of you, and praying for you,every 15 mins back on...

Anonymous said...

Hi David
just thought I would write to let you know how my hospital visit went. After rather a sleepless night where I talked continuously with the Lord asking him for his grace and love to strengthen me the outcome was better than I had hoped. The result it now printed out for the patient to look at and take away. There had been VERY litle progression since my last CT Scan 6 months ago and there was no sign of any other lesions, nodules, tumours in any other vital organ - thanks be to God. My Oncologist also examined me round my neck and shoulders to make sure there was nothing nasty lurking there. Mind you I always do a check myself. Praying for a good result for you too.

Here's how to view every decision you've made - It was right
Here's how to view every path you have chosen - It was right
Here's how to view every trend, friend and dance you've every moved to - They were right

Think, think and let go!!

Oh today's letters
F - fabulous
O - outcome
K - keeps
F - faith
C - continually
O - obvious
U - ultimately
Love Jenny x