Thursday, June 26, 2008

A bit slushy (but you know you love it!)

good morning bloggers!!!

hope you're all up and feeling good on this fine Thursday morning! Just wanted to do my bit (as I do now and again), and give you a Florence update. Well we made it to our first goal of the year which was Dave's birthday and graduation, and we're doing really well although as you know it's been a battle, but one which we've been proud to fight with you guys supporting us all the way and I just wanted to say how grateful I am from the bottom of my heart for all the prayer and words of encouragement and practical help we have been given. Words won't ever do it justice but Thankyou keep us strong.

We're in a very different world from the one we were in back in December and although it's still a scary one in some ways in other ways it's a much better one. Dave isn't going off to London or Manchester every day at some ridiculous hour of the morning and coming home looking exhausted and stressed. He's with me and his kids every day and he's doing the things he wants to do and investing his time in things that are important to him. Yesterday we had a wonderful morning on the river moving our lovely new boat from St Ives to Buckden. The sun shone, the Heron followed us up the river and it was so peaceful and beautiful. On a Wednesday morning!! It was a joy and we felt so blessed to be spending time with each other doing 'good' stuff.

So over the next couple of days we're celebrating Dave's birthday and his graduation on Saturday and I know I'm going to be in floods of tears when he graduates and I've bought some fab shoes (purple killer heels girls -SO Sex and the City!) and we'll have the family around us so it's going to a very emotional time but I know that in the midst of all this we continue to hold everything lightly and keep living it day by day, trying to keep a balance between moving forward in the things we want to accomplish and not looking too far into the future because we don't know what it holds.

Ok so here's the extra slushy bit and I'm just going to go for it - I'm so proud of him as I know you all are - he's a truly wonderful man and I'm so blessed to have him by my side each day.

I know you'll join with me in wishing him happy 43rd birthday for tomorrow and praying for many, many more.

Teresa aka Florence (by the way we're re-naming the boat 'Florence' -Chloe's idea!!

PS - no more babies John Stamp - I'll wait for the grandchildren thankyou! (glad you're not a prophet my friend - see you Saturday)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday EverReady,

May it be a full of joy and happiness - enjoy your graduation. you have worked for it and I just wish I were there to see you in your flowing purple robes ( aka Harry Potter?) and I bet the ¨sex in the city¨shoes will look fab too.

Carpe Diem (I think that is how you say it) - my new motto x x x

Anonymous said...

Hippy Bothday Dovid!

I told you that you would be feeling better "any minute now", 'cos God answers prayers!
I suppose I'll have to order that giant pizza now?
It is a pity those flowing robes won't show off your lovely new figure......maybe you could show off your legs though...I know a great gal who might lend you some sexy purple stilletos.......
Dove and Florence,your love for each other is an inspiration,enjoy each other every minute of every day. Neil and I have been together nearly 30 years, and we love each other more with every passing day, and we know how blessed we are, that God brought us together, and has kept us together. (Don't forget our silver anniversary "do in Nov)
Have a GREAT of many more to come, and yes, be bloody proud of yourself at graduation day.
The yearning continues,,,,,we're getting closer to no trace,can't wait to hear those words my friend.

Every blessing, and mushy lovey bits as usual,
Sianaroonie xxxxx
P.S.....careful that the square graduation hatty type thingy does not rub off your new fluffy barnet.

Anonymous said...



AL TEH FARMILY SEND THERE LURVE TWO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE! hope Slushy is not the word, the TIN MAN has a heart!! Only kidding!!! please dont sack me!!! Hope your all having a lovely wkend, Hannah x