Monday, June 9, 2008

The Sun Has Got It's Hat On.....

WOW! What a fantastic weekend (well Sunday) - Sunshine!!!!!!

I gardened on Saturday and then we had a lovely meal with Dave & Suzy our friends from Wootton New Life. On Sunday we had our monthly breakfast and family worship and then in the afternoon Nick & Sarah joined us for a BBQ on the deck - brill! Perfect weekend!

Eating is getting increasingly tough, more or less liquids only now; I should loose weight after all.

All treatment ends on Thursday - they're saying they'll be more later but I've enough for now. I agree. After 6 months it is time for time off. It will seem strange not having the daily pilgrimage to Addenbrookes in Cambridge.

Ken & Mu are taking me tomorrow so another opportunity for a good 'chin-wag' on the way.

XLR8 tomorrow night is on the subject of sharing your faith so I had better get preparing ASAP.

I got feedback on my Phd proposal and re-submitted it in time for today's deadline; I should hear in a day or two if I've been accepted for a September start.

Thanks for being there for me guys.

God Bless

Dave xxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

It is the early hours of Weds morning and have stumbled upon David's blog, none of you apart from David will know who I am so bear with my brief introduction. I am a therapy radiographer at Addenbrooke and have had the privillege of treating David on several occasions. I am compelled to write and add, if I may a part of David's radiotherapy story he has not recounted. Despite the horrendous amount of time we keep him waiting on a daily basis he remains patient, calm and thoroughly charming. From our little waiting area we can him encouraging others and listening to all. Sometimes it is easy to forget the journeys people travel and are still undertaking when they come to us. I for one will be a better radiographer for meeting him and reading this honest and emotional blog.Thank You, not just for that but also for reminding me how lucky we all are to walk in Gods Grace Kylie

Anonymous said...

May God continue to bless you ,Kylie, He is an awesome God.
And, yes, David is an awesome guy too. We all count him as a blessing in our lives.
Best wishes,