Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eating Again & Waxing Lyrical

Hi Guys

Well I'm finally surfacing and starting to eat again as the radiotherapy side effects wear off! Hurrah, can't wait for a steak & kidney Pukka pie, chips and mushy peas! Anything other than soup. Argh... I'm bored with soup! Really hoping to be able to tuck into the graduation nosh on Saturday night. Weight loss leveled off at a stone, still make me 12 stone 10lbs about what I was at diagnosis. My next oncologist's appointment is July 7th with a scan to follow.

It's great to be feeling well again; last week and the weekend was hard work but I'm fighting fit now. Looking forward to bringing the boat back to its home birth on my birthday (Friday).

Please pray for my brain! Not having treatment to focus on is strange. It sort of feels like I'm not fighting 'it' anymore; daft I know but you know how proactive I like to be.

Heard a great song the other night on 'America's Got Talent' (you know us and our trashy TV likes). The final line was something like 'I wouldn't wish illness on you but I wish you could all share the exhilaration of living for just one day like you were dying'. This will seem odd but you really do squeeze everything out of life, you make the most of it, savour the moments, appreciate the things that matter and feel amused at how wound up people get about traffic jams, queues in Tescos and other things that don't matter. Now you all are thinking 'he's mad' but there's something to be said for living like there's no tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I have every expectation of being around for lots of tomorrows but for a while there it seemed unlikely I'd make it to put up the Christmas tree. I'd even got my dad on standby to give Amy away in October. I hope today you all really 'live' life to the full. Go on, give it one day like there is no tomorrow - I recommend wild worship, love making (where permitted), a drink or two, Pukka pies, boats (definitely boats) and dog walking.

Thanks for checking in on me.

God Bless

Dave xxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi, David,
Just had Welsh regional meeting with Storm and he's told us the great news about your appointment. Colin and I are delighted for you and wish you both well in this new post. You'll have a very warm welcome in Neath/Wales from us.
Let's get this party started eh?!

Best wishes,
Cerys Bevan
Kip Neath

David said...

"Dance like no one is watching,
sing like no one is listening and
live every day as if it were your last!"

Go for it mate, glad to hear you're feeling better - have a great birthday & graduation weekend.

Suzy & David

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,
So glad to hear the eating is getting better and giving you less pain - I kept hoping I wasn't going to see you at work as an in-patient at the hospital. I think with a job like mine, where I see very poorly people almost every day, it does prompt me to try and make the most of every day, and not be miserable or grumpy (unless I'm hormonal!) because I'm not having to face what so many of our patients at the hospital are having to. Your positive way in which you do everything I have seen is a fantastic asset - one of my colleagues who had spoken to you at the Pharmacy Reception recently thought she knew who you were, when I put my sponsor form for the 'Race for Life' in our tea room - she said 'Were you a young man in your 30's?' to me!!! Hope that makes you smile as your birthday approaches! Have a great birthday and graduation,
Love Jane

Chloe said...

I love you pappa!

Heck yes! I agree once again with what you've written this week!

"Are you serious?!" <--- Nope, we shall have non of that nonsense!! Not in this household! Ha!

Oooh so does this mean now that you've heard those lyrics I can use my outside voice... inside!

And mmm yes to mushy peas please.

Luv Chlo Chlo mad badger =)

Chloe said...

Wow! it's a big birthday celebration this year! 52! You're going to melt the cake!

Anonymous said...

Now you've really upset him Chloe. Jump from 30's to 52 and you know how vain he is and some people may believe you!!!!.
Good to see you looking and feeling well last night Dave.
About the brain-not alot we can do to help there. Some things and too far gone. You might try some visualisation techniques-a bit like the scapegoat in the OT. Lay hands on a floor cushion and tell it it has your cancer (if it is still there!) and then beat hell out of it with a bamboo cane. I found this was an excellent substitute for thrashing the kids when they were annoying me.

Have a great BD and graduation weekend and see you next Tues.
LOve Mu and Ken