Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Again

Well guys, only 4 more days of treatment left. Good! I'm in some pain today so keeping myself doped - up. They're telling me that the effects of radiotherapy are cumulative and could be worse in the weeks following treatment ending.

Teresa took me to Addenbrookes today and afterwards we went to look at the boats in St Ives - you know me and boats. Ken & Mu from church took me on Wednesday, it was great to send some time with them.

I've sent my Phd proposal to Manchester Uni & Cliff College - hope it is good enough, ideally I'd like to start in September. The application had a deadline of Monday 9th so no room for error - all very last minute.

We are off to Dave & Suzy's (from Church) tomorrow night for dinner and then have an exciting Sunday planned. In the morning it is our Church breakfast (9.30) and then family service at 10.30 - ALL WELCOME! ( and in the evening our mates Nick & Sarah Hearn are coming for a BBQ and some tubbage. Please don't worry about 'tubbage'- we have a hot tub in the garden - nothing dodgy honest!

Settling down for an evening of TV - hoping the pain lifts a little.

God Bless



Anonymous said...

Hello there EveryReady,

I regularly log into your blog and read about your journey to full health and I am sp pleased you are still standing tall and resolute, relying on your faith which has always been there for you, giving you strength when you have needed it and comfort in knowing you are not alone.

Although I am not committed by any means to a faith, I add my prayers to those who love you, need you and admire you and will send them to God asking that he keeps you safe and pain free and gives you the 'all clear' - you are such a special man xx Jackie G

John write these things in a book said...

Dave - still with you mate, praying that the all clear is soon revealed. Sorry for the bit of blogsilence, no excuses, just lazy and too busy which which is shameful. Will pck the phone up this week and give you a call, will ne good to catch up. Went to Cliff last weekend and gigged at the bank holiday weekend with phil baggers....weird going back, there was a student hanging around with a big geeky jumper, a tash and eddie the eagle glasses - can't think who he reminded me of, it'll come back to me tho....
hi Tez and co, love to all catch you in the week.


rushi said...

Hi David. Still praying.
Our God is an AWESOME God.
Marusia. x