Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Things First

My Dear Blogettes....

Now Sian & Jackie. My one re-occurring nightmare (seriously) is where I own a horse that I keep forgetting about. I remember after 3/4weeks and go to the stable to find it thin, fly blown and covered in horsey poo. I clean it, feed it and then forget about it again for another three weeks when the whole nightmare occurs. Argh.... I love Carys but not enough to buy a horse. Why, when Sian has one we can 'borrow'???

Now onto things a lot less scary than horses: cancer. Had yet another meeting with the oncologist today. On the whole it went well. Here's the basic gist:

  1. They are VERY surprised it's taken this long to come back, the fact it's come back now is actually surprisingly good news: it should have re-occurred long before now.
  2. They are not sure if it is a new tumour or or old stuff that's grown, come to the surface and re-appeared.
  3. There's lots they can do as I'm effectively back to where I was in January 2008.
  4. I can have more radiotherapy (big surprise) including some new stuff they do from the inside as opposed to firing it at you from outside.
  5. I have a fully body CT scan on April 17th. The issue is; has it spread or not? If it has then the radiotherapy won't happen. The most likely spread is to my liver. They have made me an appointment an hour after the scan on the 17th. for the results so no weeks of waiting this time!
  6. Dr Bulusu (my oncologist) is going to try and get me some further treatments that are 'off piste' including some new anti body treatment. Some of these I might have to pay for.
  7. There is no approved treatment for re-occurring esophageal cancer because until recently you just died from it. I'm going to be a Guinea Pig.
  8. On the whole they were much more positive and upbeat then we'd anticipated. Brill!
  9. Dave lives to fight another day!!
  10. They checked out my abdomen as I've had the squits for weeks and they think it's just a bug.
  11. I can go to Dubai!

And oh! My boat is going back into the water next week! Bottom has been scraped and anti-fowled and the engine totally refurbished at a nose bleeding level of expense. We are ready to cruise! And you know how I love to cruise! Wondering! If I can add any more exclamation marks to a blog!!!

By the way if you want to know what appeared on the Google search list when (worried about the strange colour of my squits) I typed 'orange faeces' in the search engine e mail me at and (assuming I consider you able to cope) I will email back and let you know! Christians be warned; it's VERY funny but well dodgy!!

This morning (and tomorrow too) I had the privilege of taking an assembly on the subject 'What's Easter All About' at a local senior school. Had a 'congregation' of 600!! They were brill; very well behaved and 100% attentive. Wish the average Methodist congregation was the same.

Well guys must sign off now and pour myself a scotch.

If you are breaking up for Easter this weekend have a good holiday. If you're off to Spring Harvest have a great time and all the best to my mate Geoff whose speaking there this year.

God Bless All!



    Anonymous said...

    Your bloggs just enspire me, i am at present working in the community with people with all sorts of life threatening illnesses. You and all the people i work with really make me realise why i have chosen the career i have. I really feel privilidged to be able to give a little back in what ever way i can to you all facing such difficulties in your life
    I think off you all often love to all


    Anonymous said...

    Sounds like you are "staring the monster down" nicely!
    I know I keep reminding you to slow down a bit, and take it easy, but seriously, you are obviously not keeping busy enough if you have time on your hands to start investigating the many rainbow colours of ones poop!
    I must admit, that once mine has left my body, I wish to have no more association with it!
    I have a very funny Joe Pasquale song about a guinea pig, I will get Adam to send you the link ( I am not computer literate enough).
    Now, you may have noticed that I have not yet mentioned PONIES. I promise not to keep mentioning PONIES, as PONIES are obviously something you would rather not think about right now. However, I will say, that should Carys have a PONY of her own, she would not let you forget about it!
    If you put the PONY in a livery yard, they would be there to help with the care, anyway.But, no, I will drop the subject of PONIES.......until tomorrow, when Carys, and ChloChlo, and Katy are coming to see my two, (PONIES), and they can then tell you all about it!!!!! I bet I use more exclamation marks than you !!!!!!!!!!
    Well, Dovid and Flo, the news is bearable, and you are dealing with it in your usual positive and faith filled way. Bless you both.
    Have a GREAT time in Dubai, ( I think Chloe is going somewhere different...DUABI apparently!)
    Remember to belt up on the plane, do not vibrate your seat while holding your posh cup of Earl Grey, and do not drop crumbs everywhere when eating your china biscuits, as misplaced crumbs make for an uncomfortable journey.
    If your'e slummin' it, then remember to find a seat with a belt,bring your own flask, as the tea is like mud, and served in a recycled polystyrene pot,and find your sick bag, as most of the food is recycled too!
    Thinking of you, and of course praying very regularly.
    Sianaroonie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Chloe said...

    Sian Hi!!

    Carys - yes
    Chloe - yes
    James - no
    David - no
    Katy - no
    Teresa - NEVER!

    A list of those I've asked to join us in with this experience we're going to undertake tomorrow! =) I tried to persuade em all haha but failed! Would you rather have an afternoon rolling in horse dung or spend it shopping?...hmm...I think we will let them off! Looking forward to it actually. Carys has been saying all week how many more sleeps now? (bless) I'd do anything for her.

    The David treatment news is grrrreat!! =) nobody saw that coming huh. Praise the Lord we can go to Dubai (Duabi) too!! Looking forward to Sunday too! David very much wanted our leaders to sit down and put their feet up for once and so he's preaching and allocated us little jobs.

    So yes =) I as I'm sure we all are on here very pleased with the David news and lets hope the sun shines tomorrow as a bonus!!

    Lindsey, Hi there. thank you for that comment it sure did put a smile on my face. You're so right, we all go through hard times no matter how big or small the difficulty is, it's nice to know we're not alone and can feel encouraged by others. =) God Bless you and have a Happy Easter.

    My words are...
    P H Y D O

    Obviously (?) I mean if it's orange-surely?!

    I'm out

    Chloe x

    Chloe said...

    PS. Will you be given morphine still pappa?
    You said you'd share!!

    Unknown said...

    Hi There from France
    Thrilled with your news. Praise the God we adore. Prayer does work yeh!
    Sian, I have to say I did think you were on a hiding to nothing on the PONY stakes. Having had one of our own I remember well that no matter how careful you are horse hair and the delicious smell of manure does seem to pervade everything. You have to be horse mad or just plain mad to go down that route. Ken remembers well mucking out the stable at 6am while the "owner" laid on the horses back catching another 5 mins kip.
    Riding lessons first I think, eh.
    Well, have great time in Dubai. Now you can at leest take a breath. Get strong and well ready for the next fight
    Love Mu & Ken

    Anonymous said... sayin' I smell????
    I am not the one with a poo fettish, remember!

    Anonymous said...

    Ponies. Argh..........

    Please spare me. PLEASE!!!!

    Sian thank you a million times for posting your comments you are a inspiration and ALWAYS make us laugh (even when sober)!

    Hope Carys and Chloe behave tomorrow - (I expect not).



    Anonymous said...

    siany your nuts but thats y i love you then subject on ponies ahhh best answer look after someone elses as you can always give them back love kirsty
    hi ken and mu hope your ok luv u all x x x