Wednesday, January 27, 2010

News from the hospital bed!

Hi folks

Me again - just heard from David re the results of the endoscopy. All good news! The tumour has responded well to the radio and chemotherapy and seems to have shrunk. There was no sign of any spread and no thickening of the oesophagus!!! Fantastic!!!

The pain is being caused by the radiotherapy burn and also he has picked up a bad infection in his throat and oesophagus. They are going to give him antibiotics and probably feed him through a tube for a couple of days to let everything heal.

Phew!! Thanks so much again for your thoughts and prayers.

Will get David to blog once he is home.

Love to all

A relieved Florence x


angela Brydon said...

Thank you Florence!

Praise the Lord for such brilliant news!

Will continue to bother the big guy upstairs about continued healing!

God Bless


Thea said...

David, Wonderful, fantastic news! Thank you Father for answered prayer. Thank you Florence for letting us all know.
Keep fighting, keep strong, we are all behind you. (excuse the bad pun)
Thea Lee

Anonymous said...

Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

From a friend...

Anonymous said...

Praise God (again)
Prayers and love to you all as always,
Dovid will be devouring a large pizza before we can raise our glasses and say "Bottoms up!"
(Sorry, like Thea...couldn't help many opportunities for jokes.......)
Thanks Flo for keeping us all in the loop. Glad the doctors were able to get to the "bottom" of it.....sorry,
better sign off now. Going to take the Huskies for a walk now (or is it the other way round)..did the top half of the village yesterday, so probably do the "bottom" half today......ooohhhh naughty Siany....
So grateful that it is positive news,
Every blessing to you all...still praying for "no trace",

Sianaroonie x