Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Been Here A Week..

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Too demoralized being 'Wii'd to death' by junior offspring and an over competitive wife. For replies to posts see my last but one blog... Stampy, Sianarooine and the Chlomeister.

Yesterday saw us 'beaching it' at lovely Rospico Cove and collecting enough firewood for the evening blaze. I also planted a load of Dahlias in my little garden. The sun came out and the temperature is up, up, up! Today we visited Port De Fousnant where yearnings for a boatie were renewed - who of our older friends remembers the Great Ouse, the old tugs and the gin? Anyone got an old boat they don't need?

After 'boat drooling' we hit Kerlaven beach and were befriended by a massive old Labrador (of unknown origin) who swam in the sea, ambled up the beach and then shook himself dry next to us. He then offered me a paw before settling down for a snooze in the sun with his head in my lap. By 'massive old Labrador' I am talking about a french dog and not a large over familiar Canadian. Oh - we also managed a first rate wood collection at the beach today too - I'm not buying anymore expensive supermarket logs when there's free driftwood up for grabs - mean old Dave.

Teresa re-dressed the old tubage this morning and did a great job. All very sterile, two pairs of rubber gloves, syringes, blood - antiseptic wipes and not even a sweaty upper lip - what a hero.

Exciting news - Chloe's 'lovey' connections (an uncle who writes Eastenders) have yielded tickets for a recording of 'Gladiators'; time to dust down the Lycra. I'm only in the audience but suggestions for an intimidating stage name would be most welcome in case I have to step in at the last minute as a competitor. In the light of the plumbing attached to my arm I was considering 'The Tube' but feared this might be misconstrued. Personally I've of the school that says if you are going to numb the brain with TV it might as well be pap. Talking of which, time to light the fire (with free beach driftwood - did I mention - free; how much are your logs Stampy?) before The Apprentice tonight.

Florence is out on the deck catching the last rays of sun at 8.10 pm and doing serious harm to a bottle of plonk. The kids are out playing footie with French village kids - President Sarkosy has got the hots for all things British after his recent visit to the UK and is calling round later for a bowl of my infamous beef casserole.

Think that's all for now. Three week have past since my last chemo so no sickness but feeling rather knackered - could be the plonk, driftwood collecting and beach liaisons with Canadians who knows. James has just appeared demanding four person Wii bowling (whatever that is)....

Luv ya..



Anonymous said...

Hi David

i am totally addicted to this blogging lark, a friend from uni has started one for a friend of hers who is poorly at the min and constantly had people on the phone so i suggested it to her, it is such a good idea. Hope that you are having a lovey break it certainly sounds like you are. Thinking of you
Love Lindsey

John write these things in a book said...

dave- the logs are around £90 per year and some are free from our vicars wood in his garden if i can drag my sorry ass around to cut them up..........
i remember the boat, you looking across the deck and telling me that tez was expecting a baby!!! after our boozy weekend. my letters are lcfck and i feel like swearing as i've had a frustrating day so as these letters are too tempting i'll leave them alone!!
just dashing out to meet the accountant - lovely guy who's so unaccounantly..........catch you later pierre.....


Anonymous said...

fOn reading a response that you made about the feeding of your fish - do you remember -? You were going on your annual pilgrimage to Cornwall with Mum and Dad and Adrian and we being your very good neighbours were left with the responsibility of feeding your fish and putting on the thermostat. It was not automatic and had to be switched off after an hour - yes you can guess what happened - I forgot to turn it off and when I went in to your house the next morning the fish had been cooked!!!!! How do you explain something like that to your neighbours. I did think about replacing them but not knowing much about fish I thought you would notice the difference. I felt really bad but your Mum and Dad forgave my indiscretion - thankfully and we remained good friends.
Your break away from it all sounds lovely. Sun, sea and sand, good food and wine and relaxation - just the ticket.

The Lord... redeems your life from destruction. When others write you off He sees what you can become. Kept by the mighty power of God ... every day we escape dangers we are not aware of...
Take a moment each day to thank the One who has redeemed you.

Letters today -
d - donkey
k - kangaroo
n - nagor (Senegal antelope)
j - jackal
a - airedale (large rough coated terrier)
z - zebra
o - ocelot

Keep up the good work.
Take care,love Jenny x