Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tempted and Fell!

The devil tempted me with a shiny boat and I fell into sin! All bought and being surveyed for leaks etc. even as I type. Looking forward to taking out friends for evening drinkie-poos when I'm feeling better.

Unfortunately my health is at an all time low. Still can't eat, drinking hurts, very tired and (bizarrely) a patch of radiation burn on my back. I just can't wait to be well again and get my appetite back. I was due to be in Chesterfield again this Saturday for an 'Order of Mission' meeting but I'm just not up to it. I hate letting people down - just not my style. Sorry guys. Could you pray that I start feeling better soon! It's been a long six months.

Today is Chloe's (friend and live in nanny) and Amy's (oldest daughter) birthday. Chloe had an interview this morning for a course at Barnfield college in Luton. It went well; she's in and will start part time in September. Well done Chlo, Chlo and happy birthday. We miss you Amy - come home soon baby!

We are due to complete on Amy's house tomorrow (all being well). We'll be moving the stuff from her bedroom at home in on Saturday.

I heard from Manchester Uni and Cliff that I'd been accepted for further study, a MPhil initially becoming a Phd after a year if I'm up to the grade.

All in all it's been a mad week!

God Bless




Anonymous said...

Congrats Dr. Dove
Well done Chloe
Happy birthday Chloe and Amy

Prayers said...yearning continues for an end to all these side effects.
Let me know when you feel better, ( should be any minute now) and I will get a massive pizza delivered to your door, and no need to share it !!!
No trace.
Bask in the glory of the Lord.

LOL as always,
Better get me sea legs on...fed up with these short fat hairy ones!!!!

Anonymous said...


You have been so in my thoughts, especially this week and I too, like so many others, hope the nasty side effects leave you alone as quickly as possible. Your blog words suggest you are dealing with this in your usual strident and positive way. Well done you! It can't be easy for you or your family and I send you all my love and fond wishes for a return to some sort of normality. The boat will certainly help with this - what a treat! I remember having 'drinkie-poos' with you and Teresa on the last one! Can't wwait to be invited up to sample the same when you are ready to pipe onboard guests - Captain Dave!!

Don & I have just been boating for 1 week in the canals of the Borgogne - our thoughts were with you lots especially knowing your love of France let alone boats!

So hang on in there Captain DAve, the weather will change and is set fair with a good wind to take you to where you want to be x x

John write these things in a book said...

hey up there davey sailor....last time you and i had a night away on the boat together you told me that tez was expecting a baby!!! never too late for more kids dave, so impressed that you didnt head back to caravan land, looking forward to seeing you guys both at the bear next week. John and Amandaxxx