Sunday, June 29, 2008

WOW - What a weekend!

Hi all,

Home again now and knackered!

Friday on the boat was fantastic - 9 locks and although the sky darkened and rain threatened we didn't get wet once! We really put the 'Rachael Louise' through her paces and are already besotted! She is now in pride of place at Priory Marina, Bedford and ready for the next sunny day. This really was the bestest birthday ever, my mum and dad, Chloe and the kids were with us and we stopped at Eaton Socon for a birthday lunch. at the pub.

We had an early start on Saturday up to Cliff for graduation. There was a worship service in the morning with some great testimonies from various students, then a fab lunch and then graduation event all 'robed and hatted'. Much to my delight and total surprise I also was awarded with the 'Postgraduate Award' for postgrad of the year 2008 - this is a great honour. The degrees were handed out by a Professor from Manchester and the Cliff principal Martyn Atkins. Martyn Atkins is also the 'President of Conference' this year. To all you non-Methodists he's our 'Archbishop of Canterbury' following on from John Wesley. My mum & dad, auntie Joy, James, Carys and of course Teresa were all there to cheer me on. In the evening we took everyone out to John & Amanda's gastro pub, the 'Bear' at Alderwasley near Belper. Adrian & Ann + the kids joined us there too. The food was fantastic; great ambiance, go and visit them asap! We then went back to J & A's for the evening.

This morning we slept in wonderfully late before heading up to Chatsworth to meet the rest of the family for a picnic. The weather was awful. Cold and then VERY wet - flaming June! We bid a hasty retreat driving through terrible rain until Northampton after which we had blue skies and sunshine. That will teach us to picnic north of Watford Gap. The kids still had a great time; we went to adventure playground and gave Robert & Freddie their present (my cousin Elizabeth's kids).

So home now, tired but happy!

God Bless

Dave PS Health is fab, eating normally now...


Anonymous said...

many of congratulations and heartily speedy recoverses now for you're wisest investements decisions. Boats is very good of raising in value over medium period of time so is very nice thing Daved. Hope es swallowing may be better

Anonymous said...

sorry excuse me transgrion here it is you're good friend george here hopping all is well and sunny there in eaton scoon

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dovid, trace.
Yearning, yearning, and more yearning.......C'mon guys, on yer knees.
Where were you on Sunday?
Drove all the way to Wootton, and,no the Volvo did not need towing there or back ,only to find you,Florence, and Ken and Mu were off gallivanting elsewhere!!!!!
You missed Chlo Chlo's great speech.
I bet you were "cruising" round Brogborough lake, sipping your Pimms!!!!

Have to come on Sunday night now, for my hug.
I have mucked the shed out myself...slacker, rocket fuel nicely chilled on my return.
letters....sfhnlmgy...Welsh for "don't want to get my hands dirty Redfern.
You know we love you anyway.
Sianaroonie, and the rest of the gang. xxxxx
P.S Well done Chloe, you were "cool" as Abby says.