Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Chemo Number 5

Well guys,

This week's amazing news is slowly sinking in - he couldn't see the tumour on the scan!!!

Tuesday's youth group went really well, the young people prayed and laid hands on me specifically asking the Lord that I wouldn't be sick today. During chemo 4 I was really ill, very sick for a few days. This time, I'm tired, but no sickness! I might even try a little dinner tonight - that will be a first on a chemo night.

We have agonised about whether I should carry on with the treatment and have decided to - there is no test they do other than the scan and the scan shows nothing - this in itself is a miracle and unheard of with this kind of cancer. We said at outset that we would take anything we could get and pursue every offer of healing prayer, medical treatment and 'snake oils'. Scans do not pick up the smaller nodules and (humanly) these could still be there. With this in mind I must take the remainder of the treatment. Some might see this as a lack of faith but the God I believe in would not 'change his mind' just because I continued treatment.

The radiotherapy will be tough and carry complications - please pray that these will be kept to a minimum!

Mum and dad are here to take me over to Addenbrookes tomorrow for the 'dry run'. Radiotherapy but without the radioactivity to ensure everything's in the right place.

Thanks again guys for your support, hope you understand my 'carrying on with treatment' decision despite the healing.




Anonymous said...

Dear Dave
Of course you must carry on with the treatment and don't feel that it is lack of faith. Our God works in every concievable way to bring about healing and what is being provided medically is just part of that. Don't beat yourself up but be the good and obedient sevant God has told you to be.
I keep thinking of Abraham and Isaac when God asked for the sacrifice of his longed for precious son. 2 weeks ago you accepted that God might want the ultimate sacrifice from you for his Glory. I believe he is now saying that you don't need to make it. But it still doesn't mean you give up the other treatments. Will you give an update again in church on Sunday Love Mu

Anonymous said...

You,lack of faith...NEVER!
Of course we would not think such a thing. You are the most faithful, obedient and willing servant of the Lord , always.
We continue to support you in all your decisions. We know God is guiding all your decision making crack on, and get this latest treatment over with,and stay in that rucksack a bit longer.
Praying and yearning continues...come on Doc, say it....NO TRACE !
Everyone here still rejoicing the amazing news. With you in prayer during the next few weeks, as always.
Sianaroonie xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I can "see" florence smiling from here!!!!!
Not doing the letters today, sorry, the hormones have scrambled me brain!!!!!
ps...well said John!

Anonymous said...

No Ocean can hold it back
No river can overtake it
No whirlwind can go faster
No army can defeat it
No law can stop it
No distance can slow it
No disease can cripple it
No force on earth is more powerful or effective than the power of prayer

Love Jenny x