Friday, May 2, 2008

I've Been Verified!

You'll be pleased to know that I have been verified!

Hate any of you loosing sleep over my lack of verification! Basically I had a dry run of radiotherapy without the powerful rays yesterday. I understand now. The tattoos give them a starting point, a baseline. They line me up with these points, then type coordinates into the gismo which moves to the right point to 'zap' me. Only problem was that we were late; it takes about an hour and an half to get to Addenbrookes. Mum and Dad dropped me off while they were waiting for the carpark and I ran to the oncology department. I arrived with my throat closed up, gasping for breath and unable to speak! After the actual procedure I jumped off the trolley (with my normal gusto) and had a 'funny turn' - had to sit with my head between my legs for a while - what an old fart I am!

We really need to pray that the damage to my oesophagus will be minimal. A common side effect of radiotherapy on the throat is that it closes up for a while and the patient needs to be fed 'gloop' through a tube in their stomach for a fortnight - a fate I'd rather avoid (in God's grace!).

Youth Group, you'll be pleased to know that your prayers are powerful! Not been sick once this time post chemo. Keep praying.

Mum and Dad are heading home today after looking after me for a few days - thanks again wonderful 'rents'. Nick, Sarah and the kids are coming round tonight (Alphage included) and then Saturday with all its normal running around, dad's taxi service, football practice, gymnastics etc. (PS the kids do the activity I just do the taxiing).

Thanks for all your support, you are an amazing bunch of people.


Dave xxxxxxxxx


Jean said...

I'm not surprised you had a funny turn after all that yesterday - running for a Radiotherapy appt whilst having Chemo!! What do you expect!! But an 'Old Fart' - NO. To start with you're younger than me (just), whirlWIND, yes, but you're nothing but sweet!
so glad to hear the very encouraging news - if you carry on the treatment the more doctors you can witness to!!


Anonymous said...

I agree Jean, how can you be an "old" fart, when you are considerably younger than me, and I am only a "young" fart!!!!!Or smelly fart, as my youngest son might say, during those teenage/parent discussions.
Glad to hear no sickness.
I will be specific in my prayers for "no gloop",we know God is listening to every word, spoken or unspoken, and we know He cares about everything about us.
May have to resort to the caravan idea...park it in the car park at the hospital, and reduce your journey time drastically. Think of all the open air worship you could have...what a witness! more running around it obviously IS bad for you....thats what I have been saying for years, probably why I am such a cuddly shape!!!!
:Letters....oh blimey....pfdnfzpd
I's Welsh for

Sianaroonie xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

its Claire Rees Roberts here -I heard about your cancer from Jackie a few weeks ago and have been praying sporadically for you and your family to lean on God's strength at this time -i keep remebering the scripture that assures us his power is made perfect in our weakness (Can't remember which one!)
Anyway staying with Jax this weekend and she tols us about your blog which i found a real inspiration to read -it's always wonderful when our prayers are answered so quickly cos as you konw God's timing isn't always our timing and patience is something i need his help with..
i pray that your recovery continues and that your will be a witness to all those you meet during your treatment.

God bless you and keep you safe in his amasing love

Claire x