Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hi Guys

Radiotherapy is going well, no more computer breakdowns. Joy & Bob (my uncle and auntie) are with us this week and are doing the Addenbrookes 'run' each day - bless em!

I had an appointment with the oncologist yesterday, he seems quite confident that he can finish off the big tumour with the radiotherapy but remains worried about the little nodules that are not captured by the radiotherapy field and can't be seen on the scan. He remains very upbeat and very pleased with my progress; so all's as well as it can be at this stage. My appointment today is at 12.30. It takes 1 hour 15 minutes to get there and then 30 minutes for the appointment and another 1 hour 15 minutes back again.

The weekend went well, I preached at WNL on Sunday morning - Trinity Sunday. The youth group (XLR8) are coming to our house tonight for a BBQ - hope the weather warms up a bit before tonight.

We're off to France on Friday straight after the treatment on the channel tunnel and stopping in a hotel in Honfleur on Friday night. We're heading back on Wednesday night and going straight back to Addenbrookes on Thursday for treatment. Really looking forward to France - we love it!

Hope you ave a good day.

God bless

Dave xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be Happy
Be Well
Be Safe
Be at Ease
May the grace of God be always with you and those you love today and always.
Jenny x