Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunny Update!

Hi Guys

Isn’t the summer just brill; can’t get enough of this fantastic weather!

As always we’ve had a mad few days, we looked after Alfie on Thursday which was cool; he’s a great little chap, no trouble – it took me back to Carys being little. We walked round Wootton whilst Teresa backed the church notice-boards (well someone has to!). That night we had our half night of prayer at WNL (Wootton New Life Church) which was great; we prayed from 7.00 – midnight covering all the issues the new ‘Action Teams’ are considering.

On Friday we nipped into the Primose unit to pick up some extra syringes and bits of medical kit for my arm and the nurses suggested taking the line out as I’m not due any intravenous chemo until after the radiotherapy finishes in late June. Can’t tell you how good it is to have my arm back, no more one arm showering!

On Friday evening Teresa ran an ‘Indulgence Evening’ at Kip McGratg Elms Farm in aid of Cancer research and the ‘Race For Life’. She raised £120 to add to the £1,500 she’s gathered so far. If you’ve not sponsored her yet you can at Unfortunately I committed the most awful faux pas. We held a raffle, people had kindly donated all sorts of prizes including a painting. I didn’t look at the things on the table properly but did comment to my mate Nick Hearn that I felt sorry for the ‘poor unfortunate’ won the picture. Well the evening went on and around 8.30 it was time for me to draw the raffle. Of course someone won the picture at which point Teresa announced that Nick’s mum had painted it! Open up ground and swallow me. I felt terrible. Sorry Nick; forgive me; again?

On Saturday morning we had to drop James and Chloe off at WNL for the youth group trip to Alton Towers. They had a great day, all the rides and then a massive Christian concert in the evening. David Goodson did a sterling job driving the minibus – he took 16 in total; the whole of XLR8! Carys wanted to go so much but drew the short straw and helped me weed the church car park instead! Got five bin bags of weeds off it in total – it was the most therapeutic and satisfying thing I’d done in ages. The Jehovah’s Witnesses were ‘doing’ the village so I was able to weed and pray against their poisoned old clap-trap at the same time. Double whammy! In the afternoon we gardened our socks off and then watched Dr Who.

Today dawned beautiful again and we headed to WNL where we shared breakfast together before our fantastic Pentecost service together. There were loads of visitors, a full chapel and great worship. We ended up sending 60 balloons off into the blue sky, each one with a note sending God’s peace to whoever found it and with our church web-site address. After the service we headed home for dinner on the deck, a snooze in the sun and then yet more gardening!

Tomorrow sees the radiotherapy start for six long weeks; mum and dad are covering the taxi service for week one. Not really looking forward to it but if it does the job – bring it on! Health-wise the sickness has gone now but did last 10 days after chemo #5 and my hands are quite sore. No intravenous Oxaplatin (the nasty one) for rounds #6 & #7 – fantastic! I’m just on tablet chemo now but without a week off.

Tomorrow night the four WNL action teams are reporting back to the whole church on their findings and then we can press on with the jobs, I’m heading up the discipleship and teaching team, Teresa is leading the children and young people’s team. The other two are building and community outreach. We firing on all cylinders!

Thanks for being there for me, praying for me and being my friends/family. I’m really blessed to have such fantastic support.

Florence continues to be the best wife in the world, we are madly, stupidly, old fashionly in love. Quite besotted really – silver wedding anniversary here we come – didn’t think I’d make it back in January at diagnosis. I promised Florence a cruise – she’ll get it – promise. I can hang out till 2011 …. and beyond.

See ya guys

God bless

Dave xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Dee Vincent-Day said...


I have not forsaken you I have just been very busy with the new job but really enjoying it.

I have been reading you blog and am finding it really interesting on a number of levels. Personal and factual. Keep it Dave you can beat this thing, I know it.

If it is of any help I am going to see the Dalai Lama in Nottingham on Sunday and will say a few prayers for you while I am in his prescence. Every little bit helps! If only you could buy health at Tesco...

Well I will sign off for now. God bless you.
