Saturday, May 31, 2008

Home Again!

Whoops – been bit slow in blogging again – sorry faithful blog readers!

We headed back from France on Wednesday night via Caen to Portsmouth overnight – fantastic crossing, not a ripple. We went straight from Portsmouth to Addenbrookes for yet more radiotherapy! To be honest we were early and went via Burwash Manor for a crafty coffee and cream tea. I can really recommend this place, great shops, fantastic grub and lovely piglets and baby reindeer.

On Friday a friend from Woodside Church (Bernice Chiswell) kindly took me for treatment; this was a blessing as it gave Teresa time to catch up with business admin. The folks at Woodside (our previous church) have been fantastic, praying for us, helping with the never ending trips to Cambridge and taking part in ‘Race For Life’, thanks guys!

Today we’ve had a great family day out at Wickstead Park at Kettering, we had a really good time, great rides, no queues and for once good weather. I can recommend it! It was just so fantastic to have a Saturday with Teresa the kids and Chloe. Saturdays are normally big working days for the Redfern (thanks to Kip McGrath)

As always we’re feeling really excited about worship at Wootton New Life tomorrow, Ken & Mu are leading in the morning, I’m preaching at our ‘Refresh’ service at 8.00 in the evening. God’s given me a really ‘hot’ word based on 2 Peter 2:9 ‘But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light’ (Please excuse me using the old fashioned King James Version) I’m preaching on the call to be peculiar, different, colourful in a monochrome drab old world.

I’ve been busy updating the church website at

I’ve added a load of photos from our brill Pentecost Day service, if you visit the site let me know what you think.

Health-wise I’m doing OK. The 5 days off radiotherapy has helped. My throat has opened up again and I’m eating reasonably normally. Please pray that the spread onto my diaphragm and elsewhere would not be problematic. The main tumour seems to under control now (can’t see it on the scan) Praise God! It is the other bits that the scan can’t see that we need to pray aren’t there. Don’t give up, we’ve no proof yet that it’s all gone. My treatment ends in two weeks. We just have to wait then for the results of the July scan.

Thanks again troops.

God Bless.

Dave xxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dovid....
Sorry, missed your hot message last not the Volvo this time, but maintenance on the pony field took longer than anticipated.
Glad you can eat comfortably again, now praying that it stays that way.
In the words of Delirious...
"Every Little Thing is Gonna be Alright, cos there is someone who will carry you".
You are a healed man, Dovid.
Looking forward to seeing you and your fluffy top not soon.
Love as always. No trace.
Sianaroonie xxxxxx
P.S If it is a Mon or Wed, I can do a trip to Addenbrookes...if you trust the Volvo, and be warned....bring a map!!!!! But i would be happy to help. x