Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vive La France! Great Soups......

Well, here we are back in Brittany again but this time by a curculios route! All the ferries we’d normally catch were fully booked so we decided to come here via Calais – door to door 617 miles!

We set out yesterday morning about 9.30 a.m. called into the office, picked up a new car from the Volvo garage in Bedford and then headed over to Addenbrookes for radiotherapy number 9! This time Teresa, Carys and James were able to see what they do when they ‘zap’ me. My throat has started to close up pretty well totally for solid food – don’t worry; this isn’t the tumour, it’s the treatment – they warned me it would happen. Soup and smoothies again for a month!

We headed through bank holiday traffic to Dover and we caught the channel tunnel train at about 5.00 p.m. and then drove down to a great little hotel in Honfleur (nr Le Havre) in Normandy. Unfortunately on the train Teresa caught and crushed her middle finger in a carriage door. Thankfully it’s not broken but a funny shape and blue; the nail’s a gonner.
We got there in time to have a evening meal in a great little restaurant just up the road from the hotel. Sadly mine came back to ‘say hello’ on the car park – hence the inevitable switch to the soup and smoothie regime.

We had a fantastic morning in Honfleur which is a lovely town, the weather was brill 23C; we had lunch on the harbour side (guess what; soup for me!). We then drove down to the cottage through Caen and past Mont St Michel. The further south west we headed the colder and wetter it got – when we arrived it was 13C and the rain torrential.

Everything at the cottage is lovely, the garden is a jungle but won’t take long. The clematis I planted in March is in flower and the hydrangeis nearly there.

We are hoping for a great few days, relaxing, sleeping and playing with the kids. The fun starts tonight with what must be the best evening’s TV in the year – the Eurovision song contest – we love it – it’s kitsch city and totally additive!

Thanks for your ongoing prayers and love. Thanks Joy & Bob for taking such great care of me last week. We’re heading back on Wednesday night straight to Addenbrookes on Thursday for more zapping.

God bless; have a great weekend.

Love ya


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