Monday, May 26, 2008

Sleeping, Beaching, Sleepi....

Hi Guys

Complete Eurovision travesty on Saturday, how could we come last? Urghhh

Yesterday we slept in, ate in Pont Aven and then the kids played in the park whilst I snoozed away on a park bench like an old tramp! Managed to rouse myself sufficiently to do the gardening – more like jungle exploration after 7 weeks with no mowing.

Sorry, but I’m going to ‘rub it in’. Our weather’s good we were on the beach and have eaten outside; I hear it’s nasty in Blighty. Today we’ve spent the day in wonderful Carnac, which is about an hour away down the coast. Had lunch ‘al fresco’, spent too much on Esprit (Teresa) and Teddy Smith (me). We got on the beach for an hour or so and I promptly fell asleep again. We are now settling down to an evening of fires, trashy tele and plonk – heaven.

I’m getting food down although it is painful to swallow; other than that I’m feeling fine.

PS. Slight change of plan as the Monopoly has just appeared with a hopeful looking Carys, better postpone the tele but the plonk will dull the Monopoly pain!

God bless

Dave xxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dovid (real nome) and family,
Glad you are enjoying France....AGAIN!
Pants about the swallowing, though, still, the plonk goes down o.k.
Sorry been "off air" for a while...Adam home from uni, and "reconfiguring" the computer" or something, have to "book" to use it!!!
Even now he is breathing down my neck, asking how long will I be!
He would normally be on his laptop, but had a disaster on his last day of term....dropped the blighter and broke it. After an air ambulance and plenty of oxygen, he was able to think clearly again, and realised that it was fully insured. He is just waiting for the cheque to arrive so that he can get a replacement, then his tail will wag again, and we can have our computer back!!!It is SOOOO good to have him home, though.
Yes, Chloe, we are going to New Wine.( Abby delighted that you are going, apparently you are wicked) not wait for the Ridfins to see the ponies...come over by yourself, you are very welcome.
Glad to hear you have proper cars...Volvos are definately the best, although mine is not so much a posh is a 940 estate!
However, when it is not being towed home by Jean, or stuck in fields, having to be towed out by Jonathan, or being reversed into by a white van, it is a truly great car!
Maybe see you at Refresh, folks.
You all continue to be an inspiration.
Yearning trace, and no more side effects.
Love ya,
Sianaroonie xxxxxx
efjhttz (I am sure John cheats!)

Welsh for everyone thinks Dovid is the very best !!! =)
Will try harder tomorrow.....