Thursday, May 15, 2008

Number 4 = CRASH!

Hiya friends,

I headed over to Cambridge today for what would have been my 4th radiotherapy but my 'prescription' was rejected by the computer (which crashed) and they sent my home without treatment. The physics guys need to re-write the programme for my particular treatment tonight. Hopefully all will be well for tomorrow. I have to call them early to check all is well.

Mum and dad have been great and accompanied me all week; it's great to have some company. They've headed home now and Teresa is taking me tomorrow. We are hoping to combine some shopping and lunch in Cambridge (weather allowing). Where did summer go?

The radiotherapy is making me feel sick and tired but it's no where near as bad as the chemo thank goodness.

Teresa and I have been busy at WNL me on the gardens and car park, Teresa on the children's work store cupboards, we even got my parents helping!

God bless and have a great evening

Dave XXX


John write these things in a book said...

hi dave - good to catch up by phone yesterday, finally got home an hour or so later after the engineer had checked the bridge that the vehicle had struck that my train from london had to cross to get to Derby to see my fab wifey and family..........
I thought you were taking it easier dave, sounds like you're busier than ever. I'm reading a book at the moment and one of characters is called Dovid - so it's a real name.



Jean said...

Excellent John, are you sure the author didn't just have Dovid fingers on the typewriter???

Yes take it easier - you'll be exhausted after 5 weeks just from the travelling.

Hope they had sorted out the computer thingy at the hospital.
bye for now,

Anonymous said...

Hello there 'EverReady',

Glad to read that you are in the process of re-charging and glowing again. What an inspiration you are and how lucky am I to have spent so many special times working with you back in the good old Pru days. Not to mention the times shared with your lovely family on the boat, at home, in your church, here with us.

So you are still in love with Florence eh? Even after how many years? Strange that as I have always thought of you two as the most perfect couple, joined at the hip even. It is so good to know you are loved and supported by such a great family as yours.

Last year my dear friend Andrea died of bowel/liver cancer which was heartbreaking for all who knew and loved her so I know how difficult it can be but it sounds as if you have got it cracked - keep praying, keep giving, keep smiling and keep loving.

If we lived closer I would love to help out and spend time with you and yours so all I can do is keep you in my thoughts and in my heart wishing you lots of good things.

If you fancy some theraputic sea air there is more than enough rooms at my house for all of you including doggie (there is a large garden).

I'll keep reading your news - big hugs from Jackie G xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

its Claire Rees Roberts here -I heard about your cancer from Jackie a few weeks ago and have been praying sporadically for you and your family to lean on God's strength at this time -i keep remebering the scripture that assures us his power is made perfect in our weakness (Can't remember which one!)
Anyway staying with Jax this weekend and she tols us about your blog which i found a real inspiration to read -it's always wonderful when our prayers are answered so quickly cos as you konw God's timing isn't always our timing and patience is something i need his help with..
i pray that your recovery continues and that your will be a witness to all those you meet during your treatment.

God bless you and keep you safe in his amasing love

Claire x