Thursday, May 8, 2008

Summer Time - Alfidge Visit!

Hi guys,

I've been a very bad non-blogging Dovid. Sorry, don't know where the week has gone, Thursday already, must be the weather!

I'm still not feeling 100%, sick and my appetite is poor so some of my blubber gone!

The youth group went well on Tuesday our subject this week was 'Conflict in the church', not there is much conflict in our little church but should it happen the youth group especially will be ready! Tonight is our church 'half night of prayer', from 7.00 till midnight where we will be praying our plans for the coming five years; all exciting stuff!

Today we have a little guest we are looking after Alfie Hearn (a.k.a 'The Alfidge') for the day - getting some grandpa practise in for the future - hint, hint Amy & James. Alfie is joining us as we tour round Bedford doing our errands - banking, shopping etc.. It's very strange having a baby in the house again, Rosie our Boarder Terrier is very intrigued.

I'll blog again tomorrow with full details of all the Alfidge action!

Luv Dave xxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Jean said...

I saw there were no messages so thought I would at least give you one.
I hope you are feeling better now and have a good Pentecost Sunday.
