Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And so to St John's.....

Evening all,

Sorry not to blog last night...the whole family came back to the house after spending the day with David and we had a truly remarkable evening laughing and chatting and then...after reading all your amazing comments on the blog.....finally crying our eyes out together. It was an incredibly emotional night and one I will always remember. I think reality (assisted by a few glasses of wine!) finally hit all of us and we let go and allowed ourselves not to be brave and to show our grief to each other which was so hard to bear but also incredibly cathartic. We hugged and talked and hugged some more and spoke so many precious words which families so rarely get to say to each other (sadly!) both about our love for each other and of course about David and our feelings for him.

The pain of the last 48 hours has been too much to bear at times....and I can't begin to find the words to describe it so I won't even try...but also...strangely...there have also been moments of intense exhilaration when we have celebrated David's life together and have spent precious time both with him and with each other. is he? David travelled to Moggerhanger in an ambulance late yesterday morning and from the moment we stepped through the door it was like a different world. David is in a room on his own with an en suite shower room, a beautiful view, tv and dvd, a reclining chair and a bed that will put him into whatever position is most comfortable for him all at the touch of a button. I can visit him whenever I wish (even 3 am if I am awake!!) and when you call the nurses they are there within 30 seconds. Hallelujah!! The staff are just wonderful.....nothing is too much trouble and they are listening to what he wants and delivering it without question.

As David himself put it 30 minutes after he arrived they should have a huge slogan at the bottom of the drive 'Croak it in Comfort!' (typical black humour!)

It is a huge relief for him to be there. It is so lovely to come and go as you please without the hassle of busy carparks and lifts that don't work and no privacy. You can have a jacuzzi bath or wander around the gardens, look at the huge carp in the pond, sit in the conservatory and just enjoy spending time fact time just drifts along without you noticing which is lovely.

Yesterday David was very upbeat and chirpy, and coped very well with the transfer, but this morning he was once again in a lot of pain and it took some time to get this under control. He has had a visit from the consultant at the hospice who went through all his symptoms and changed some of the medication he was on which helped greatly and when I left him this evening he was comfortable and relaxed. He is managing small amounts of food and also the steroids do seem to be helping the swelling to a degree. He is becoming very skinny and short of breath which is heartbreaking to see...but in his good moments he has a plan to come home for a day or two and that is keeping his spirits up and giving him something to work towards.

Since making the move he has begun to allow himself to grieve...and the tears are finally coming after all this time. Our hearts are breaking together over our children....the future we will never have together..the grandchildren he will never see...walking Carys up the aisle...and all the dreams and hopes which will never now come true. And yet the love we share somehow makes all the the pain and the hurt bearable...somehow...

Thanks to Ken and Mu for your visit meant so much and was a very precious time for us both. To family and friends....thanks for all your visits/comments/texts Marion so rightly said in her comment...this is our Gethsemane and it helps so much to know that you are all keeping vigil with us through the days and nights...thankyou all so much.

Florence xx


Anonymous said...

Hugs and love in abundance to you both.
Sianaroonie x

Anonymous said...

You are the most remarkable, wonderful, brave and humble couple we know - you are a true inspiration and we love you both from the bottom of our hearts. All our love, hugs, kisses, support, friendship and peace, Nick and Sarah x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Anonymous said...

These words are for you both.........................

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from my life. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonged to me, the other to the Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me, I looked back at the footprints in the sand. I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it. “Lord, you said once I decided to follow you, You’d walk with me all the way. But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don’t understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me.”

The Lord replied, “My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of suffering, when you could see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

All our love Sarah and Nick xxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Nick & Sarah's comments - you are truly an amazing, wonderful and brave couple. Flo,you write so well from your heart and we admire and appreciate you doing this, to keep us all informed. David has so many people who love and care for him dearly, thank you so much for being so thoughtful to us. We send our love to you, David & all your family. Our hearts go out to you all. Liz & John xx

Anonymous said...

Teresa, David, Amy, James and Carys

I just wanted to let you know how much you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers and how desperately sad I am for you all. I have been praying that this news would never come - you have both remained so positive throughout this awful time. You are a truly remarkable family- don't ever underestimate just how brave and strong you all are.
I know there is absolutely nothing that can be said or done to help take the pain away; all I can do is send you my love, prayers and support to all of you.
With much love, Liza xxx

Anonymous said...

Teresa and Dave

Remembering at this time the moment you found out about Dave having Cancer and your actions were to be positive and raise money for this dreadful disease.
Race for life came and many yellow t shirts desended upon the race 'doing it for dave', the last person to finnish the course Dave's mother, dave so willingly jumps the fence and joins her on the final part of the course... An amazing sense of family, love and hope surrounded all the people that made that trip to raise money for cancer and for dave.

Just reflecting upon that event makes me realise how much that and many other actions you have taken as a couple and a family have helped others.

We are so grateful to people such as yourselves and the purposes of the race will and has impacted others lives. Healing did follow for dave for a time and that just extend the opportunity for others to be blessed and touched by yourselves.

We continue to lift you all in our prayers and pray for dave to feel comfortable and have the opportunity to fulfill coming home.

May God bless you all

Our love in Jesus

The Scotties x

Anonymous said...

Dave, Theresa and family

Your honesty and openness has always touched my heart and has been an inspiration to me and, I suspect, many others. Your trust in the Lord has shone through all that you have enjoyed and endured over the past few years.

We pray that Dave will be able to come home as he wishes and above all that you will all feel the everlasting arms around and supporting you all.

With love
Gerry and Gary x

angela brydon said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Dave & Teresa

It is so good to hear that the move to St John's has helped you both. You are constantly in our thoughts and we are praying that Dave will have those precious days at home with you all.

Thank you that even through your suffering you are keeping us all updated, sharing your thoughts and your pain. Your courage and faith is an inspiration to us all.

With love
The Beamish Family XXXXX

Jackie G said...

The fact is - would I give up those moments that David and I have shared; the times we laughed, talked about our families, giggled about life and silly things. Not for a moment. I bless the fact that I know him and Teresa, and have been part of their lives (albeit in a very small way) and I will continue to feel confident that when I meet David again, he will recognise me and share good times again. Thank goodness for everything he has given me, I am changed by his friendship. I wish I could have played a bigger part in his life - but I am forever grateful that he came into my life. I remember so well our last lunch together, which he insisted on paying for, and he justified it by saying it showed how we recognised our friendship. Florence, please tell David I remember our walk around the cemetery during one of our lunch time chats, which was so insightful and please tell him I remember him telling me the piece of chewed sweet on the pavement was a sign that God that confirmed he was on the right path. Tell him I remember how brilliant it was for me to watch the Star wars movie with you all and know you are such a wonderful, great family - thank you so much for your friendship and being part of me x x x

michelle said...

There are no words, i sit here tears coursing and wonder how I can feel so terribly terribly sad and yet still so inspired by you both and your love. We wish you no pain, peace and most of all the chance to go home as you wish David. Your sense of humour(both of you) and the honest and loving words that have been written in your blog over the last two years will be here to inspire generation after generation and they will all come to know you both and the obvious love that you share, you are loved so much by so many David that you will be always present in so many hearts. You are the most remarkable strong and loving family , we send all of our love and prayers to you all and to Uncle Ken Auntie Ann and your whole family
love Michelle Mick and girls xxxx

Anonymous said...

Having gone through life being told too "shut up" I'm now in a position where I don't know what to say. I don't have any words just tears. Tears for you all including your extended family and friend, tears for me, tears for the rest of my family,tears for WNL church. We talked about heaven last night in our cell group. Whilst none of us agreed on exactly what it would be like and how long our loved ones would be there before the rest of us joined them, we all agreed that it would be an amazing place full of the glory of the Lord.
Dave taught us (and still does)about the Love of God, shown to us through Jesus Christ and that he is the way to heaven. He also taught us that the truth of salvation should be believed in the pain and suffering as well as in the good (pain free) times.
My world let alone yours and all his loved ones will be less coloured without him around. He greatness will leave a hole. His honesty on everything is refreshing and inspirational.
I shall enjoy the songs on my eternal life when we all join in the unending songs of praise in heaven. I can imagine Dave singing with gusting and making sure the "stragglers" know where to go and yet again giving confidence to all those around him.
Lots and lots of eternal love

Anonymous said...

It was nice to see you all together as a family at school today, enjoying the sale and chaos that went alongside it!!!!! The love you have together is clear for everyone to see. Sending lots of love and kisses.

Marie, Richard, Matt, Chantelle and Lorna Harris.

Jane Charsley said...

As Marie has put it above, it was so lovely to see you all today - Teresa AND Dave, plus Amy & James and Dave's brother, in the school playground today, supporting Carys and her class with their fundraising. I really couldn't believe it when I saw Teresa and said how good it was to see her - and she said 'I've got Dave here' - and there he was, clutching his bag of cakes from the cake stall and grinning away, happy to be out in the sunshine. So fantastic to see you all together - let's hope Dave continues to behave (!) and have lots more periods of 'leave.'

Lots of love from
Jane, Nick, Emily & Jessica