Monday, April 26, 2010

David's blog (written Sunday morning)

Sorry it has taken me so long to blog myself. I could string you a story about Florence hogging the laptop for frenzied late night shopping but you know that anyway!

As it happens she is sitting in my hospice room, pen poised, glasses perched on the end of her nose taking down my every word and looking delectable (I have insisted that she leaves that last sentence in!)

Florence has done an amazing job at keeping you all up to speed with developments that just leaves the last 24 hours or so for me.

Yesterday saw what I felt was a rapid deterioration of my health. I slept most of the day and by bedtime was only capable of feeling pain and sicking up blood. I looked into the great abyss there for a moment and it was a very scary place. My doctor whilst here (Dr Khan) suggested a plan of attack which included re-inserting the NG tube to drain my stomach and increasing the anti-emitic ie sickness medication.

Lo and behold both worked and miraculously as of 10.30 on Sunday morning I am feeling a lot perkier!

My lovely wife was here by 7.30 am bathing me, bringing me ice cold drinks (loving Volvic 'Touch of' water for anyone planning on visiting - hint hint...strawberry is the best!!) and frozen homemade lollipops courtesy of the fabulous Sarah Hearn. Seeing my missus brightened my day and has left me feeling so much better. How would I manage without her? (feel free to barf now - Florence).

A thousand thanks to all those who have visited in the last few days, including my baby brother Adrian who has not only visited but re-modelled the front garden! John and Amanda brought champagne and strawberries which was fabulous and my bessie mate Lord Burrell is another frequent visitor bless him.

Apologies to those who haven't been able to visit when I have been too poorly to see anyone....I'm afraid at the moment I just have to take it a day at a time.

Must warn you that if you do visit I can't guarantee coherent conversation (twas ever thus). I have previously engaged perplexed guests in drug induced conversations regarding Mastermind, pawnbrokers and Jugged Hare! What was that all about??

Anyway, signing off for now...time for post lunch snooze...

Much love



john said...

Redders, great to hear you're feeling perkier, so good to be with you and enjoy the radience of your soul, came away feeling sadness but touched by heaven in your eyes! Ive known we've been close over the years but it sometimes takes the risk of loss to feel the closeness, will hopefully get across asap and share some more humour- did you get to spray the puffs in the mouth!!!! Love and prayers john n amanda

Jane Charsley said...

So glad that you have felt a bit better Dave (it wasn't dodgy cakes from the school cake stall on Friday was it??...) - it was so lovely to see you on Friday in the sun in the playground, laughing and chatting like the Dave we all know and love!
Had the pleasure tonight of Carys after school - we took her to the 'Fusion' messy church, run once a month at the URC chapel in Harrold - for children and parents to do some fun things together but with a message behind it - some songs and prayers as well. There was talk about Mount Sinai this eve and one chap had his mountain climbing stuff and was getting the kids safely harnessed up and then he pulled them up (as I pushed from below) while they tried to climb a pillar in the chapel - and he then let go and let them swing gently down. Wish I'd taken my camera! Carys loved it and said she's going to do rock climbing to raise some money for you/the hospice!
We got fed as well so didn't have to cook tea - and then after time at the playground I've now inherited another classmate for a sleepover! So trying to get them to go to bed....
Do hope you have a few better days and manage a bit more time at home to view your re-modelled garden! as well as that quality Florence time.
As ever in our thoughts and prayers,
Love Jane & co xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see you writing on the blog again. Katy saw it and told me you sounded your old self. That is the amazing thing as far as I am concerned. In your pain you still have your sense of humour. Hope to see you soon, bottle in hand if only the strawberry stuff.

By the way, talked about you all lots in church yesterday. See you're still witnessing to us and giving us devine inspiration. I pray we will now give you strength through our continued prayers in this time.

Love you all Suzy XXX

Anonymous said...

Hi dave & Teresa

It is great to hear form you dave. We are still holding in their in prayer and praying for many more healthier days so that you get the opportunity to go home for some quality family time.

I'm sure even in the hospice you are an inspiration to those you surround, so remember you are where God wants you to be.

Lifting you all up daily


The Scotties x

Jackie G said...

Hey ho Mr Everready - still finding time to make us all smile with your wit and humour. Mmm strawberry flavour is best eh? I'll have to give it a go then. I shall think of you when I do and report back on whether it does it for me too! By the way, Claire Rees-Roberts and Lee Seacombe send their love to you. Isn't the sunshine brilliant and I'm so very pleased you are finding time to enjoy your garden and the undoubted pleasure of looking at your wonderful wife and best friend. Good stuff. Thinking of you all every day. Hugs and kisses x x x

Anonymous said...

Flavoured water with a touch of strawberry my eye!
With a touch of Gordons, more like...must give it a try, hic....
Good news that you are feeling perkier, and managed to get home too.
Flo has indeed done a grand job of filling us in, and keeping us in the "Dave loop".
She is a great lass, and yes, you are a lucky guy, (just stopping a moment, while I put down the sick bag)!
No, really, there is nothing wrong with a bit of mush fact when it comes to my hubby and kids, and dogs and puppies, I am nothing but mush, so you are in excellent company.
Anyway, would love to get over to see you, but will of course check with Flo first, as I do not want to intrude on your family time.Maybe substitute the "bunch of grapes" for a bunch of husky pups......sweet as they are, they are so pooooey.
Anyway, it feels good chatting with you, and before I go to another meeting, I will remind you how much you are loved, admired, treasured, prayed for, and thought about. As Suzy says, your name is constantly on our lips as you continue to inspire and uplift...both of you.
Much love hugs, and other mushy stuff,
Sianaroonie x