Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tough times ahead...

Hi all

Thanks for checking in again and thanks for all the texts and phone calls I have had already today from friends and family - your love and support make such a I write this the tears which I have been holding onto for the last couple of hours are finally coming and I feel better for it. Well...let me tell you the latest news..David is now on Elizabeth ward again and is a bit more settled although still very uncomfortable and desperate to get the catheter and the nose tube out. The pain however is now under control as is the sickness.

He had the scan this morning and the good news is that this has shown a large amount of fluid surrounding David's stomach which they are going to drain off using a large needle and local anaesthetic which although nasty will make him far more comfortable and ease the pain. Once he is feeling better he can come home which may even be tomorrow!!

The bad news is the cause of all this fluid build up. It seems that the nasty little bits of cancer cells have now spread to the bowel/around the bowel - apparently its difficult to tell to what extent as the fluid is in the way but trying to get a clear answer is tricky (I am learning that when they are vague its generally not good!). Hopefully on Monday we will get some straight answers from Dr Bulusi, however David is booked in to start chemo again either this week or next so with God's grace this will have the desired effect and shrink everything back down again.

It's tough to take as bad news always is...but it just means we have another fight on our hands and though the mountain does seem a bit higher and a bit steeper than it did a few months ago we ain't going to stop climbing and that's a Florence pledge to everyone including my beloved husband. more tears...bring it on!!

Thanks again for being there guys


marionstroud said...

Bless you both. Gordon and I are so very sorry that your holiday has been interupted and you've had such a traumatic time - in every way. You do brilliantly both of you, but do let folk help you - if there is anything practical we can do, we're here.Will alert the group to get back to praying. Standing in the gap.marion

Mrs. Hearn said...

Big hugs and kisses for Uncle Dave and Auntie Teresa, love from Alfage x x x x x x x tell uncle Dave that I'm being a really clever boy and I'm wearing big boy pants and using my potty everyday!!!!!! I'll come and see you when you're home, so will Mummy and Daddy x x x x x