Sunday, April 11, 2010

6 Litres!!!

Morning all

Just a quick update - they came to drain the fluid from around David's stomach at around 8 pm last night - it took 6 hours but in the end they drained 6 litres of fluid! That's 3 large coke bottles!!! Not surprising that he was in pain bless him.

I have just spoken to him this morning and again unsurprisingly he is rather sore and now has a lovely 5 cm incision in his tummy but at least he now doesn't look like he's having triplets!! He won't be out today as they want him to rest and recuperate but should be out tomorrow all being well.

Thanks for checking in - have a blessed Sunday!

PS Many thanks to all who have offered help both practically and through prayer. Please be assured that we ask for help when we need to and it's great to know that you're all there to lean on.

Florence xx


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that you are often on our thoughts and prayers, we will be lifting you all up in our prayers at this most difficult time.

Many Blessings to you all, our love to Dave

The Scotties X

Anonymous said...

Tinking of you all and hoping david is soon home with his amazin family

Lots of love Lindsey Llewellyn

Jackie G said...

Dear Florence,
What a journey you have all been through over the last few days - it is astonishing how you, James and Carys have dealt with such a difficult situation - you are all amazing. As for Dave, he is such a fighter - how hard it must be to be in such pain - we really wish him well and back onto a painless path of life without anymore setbacks. It will be so good for him to be back at home rather than the hospital even though it is clearly the right place to be at times. As for shedding tears, I have always found it to be a release and strength giving and as you say 'bring it on' - our thoughts, prayers, love and affection comes winging its way to you all. Thank you for being brave enough to share what is happening on the blog. Big hugs x Jackie & Don x

Anonymous said...

Good morning lovely people!!!! What a day you had yesterday, we were thinking of you tons. Glad to hear that Dave may be home today! Lots of love and hugs from The Hearn's
p.s. Big hugs from Alfage!! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x