Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here....and back again

Hi everyone - another Saturday...another week gone by....

David has been a little better over the past couple of days and so managed to make a trip back to the house for a few hours yesterday afternoon which he enjoyed very much. He even had the energy for a little trip to Carys' school where they were holding a sale to raise funds for their annual summer trip and he laughed and chatted to everyone. Amy and James took him back around 7 pm and he phoned me last night to say he was all settled in for the night.

Thanks to all those who have visited...I know it was hard for you guys but lovely to see you all.

You will have to forgive me. I am struggling to share today so I apologize for just a brief update.I keep starting sentences and then erasing them again. It was a lovely day yesterday.....

Enjoy the sunshine and each other today

Teresa x


Anonymous said...

Hi guys
I'm so pleased it went well yesterday. Don't worry about the sentences we all understand. Enjoy your time together today which I hope will be more garden and more sunshine. Did he enjoy the bench? We prayerd for you lots that it would be a time of great blessing
Same again today
Love Mu & Ken

Anonymous said...

Morning Teresa, David & Family - how lovely that you David, were able to get home for a few hours, and wonderful to have a trip to Careys school. Teresa, no apology ever needed for a short blog or even no blog. We love to keep in touch but understand that you have many things to deal with. Thank you again for for being so thoughtful. Still our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Liz & John xx

Tim Jones said...

Hi Teresa and Dave
Have been really busy but following the blog. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this moment. I am working right now (yes its Saturday) and have broken the monotony by responding to your blog. Your united struggle has been an inspiration to Hils and I and as you face the next few days and weeks, please be assured that we will be raising you up to Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life.
Tim and Hilary said...

Barbara and I (ex Littleover Constable Drive and next door neighbours to Phil) share with you the pain of your present position. On 12th March our grandsoninlaw, Wayne, who had been wed to Emma for just nine months, lost his battle with cancer. With some other problems it has been very difficult since that day, but I did have the great privilege of leading a Thanksgiving Service for him.
However, while we have been avid readers of your blog we have not until now sent any messages back - but I am prompted today to respond to you.
You may recall that on Sunday 24 February 2008 there were two strangers in the Methodist Church where you were to preach that morning. They were Barbara and me and we will never forget the sermon you preached "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain".
Memorable sermons to me were usually preached by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Donald English etc but yours we have never forgotten. It was one of the simple anchors that we held onto was Wayne was slowly dying.
We will continue to hold you in our thoughts and prayers.
To your dearest wife we have but one simple request: if an when David goes to Glory please let us know as we would be thrilled to be able to join in any celebration of his life and the praise of the Loving Father into whose arms he will have gone.
Bless you both - and the family - and hold onto what you said in that sewrmon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa and All the family,

I am so sorry to hear the news my thoughts are with you all.

Enjoy every second of every day together.

Thinking of you all and love to the family and especially David.

Becky Woolls.

Jackie G said...

These days/moments are so precious and the things you do now and the emotions and feelings that sweep you away, well words will never, ever do them justice. Squeeze every single thing you can out of every single minute/hour/day. Remember the smiles, enjoy the laughter and revel in the love that you share together and so many of us give to you, David, your children, your family, your church. We love you lots x x

Kate S said...

Hi David,

We worked together in Salisbury at PPML, in fact, sat opposite each other. Although I haven't been in touch, I have been keeping up with your news and want you to know that you are very much in my thoughts, and have been for some time. So, sending love to you and your family. xx Kate S.

Penny Berrington said...

Shortly after my mother died, I found a card in her Bible with the words below. It meant such a lot to me then and I carry it around in my diary all the time. You may have come across it before.

Absent from the body, present with the Lord. " Corinthians 5:8

O think
To step on shore
And that shore Heaven!
To take hold of a hand,
And that God's Hand!
To breathe a new Air
And find it Celestial Air!
To feel invigorated,
And to know it immortality!

O think
To pass from the storm and the tempest,
To one unbroken calm!
To wake up,
And find it Glory!

Just now you are climbing the Mount of Transfiguration - it's rough and steep and seems an impossible road to travel. But He is with you supporting you as you take these last exhausting, stumbling steps. Soon you will see His face and know his glory, not only know it, but share it.

Our love

Peter and Penny Berrington

Anonymous said...

Our dear friends................we love you so much and are thinking of you all the time. Glad David got home on Friday and managed to enjoy the sunshine. Thanks for blogging - you're a true star Teresa. All our love Sarah and Nick xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave & Teresa

When at church this morning worshipping i found myself thinking and praying for you all, i was so distracted and then the song "In Christ alone" was sung. The words a reminder of the fullness of God presence in our lives and yet so much freedom for those who have a relationship with him.

I found myself constantly thinking and praying with a thankful heart for the strong relationship that we know you both have in God and found it's words a great comfort for you both and a great reassurance that you are not alone.

We continue to lift you all up in our prayers and give thanks for you all.


The Scotties xx


Always praying.
Ben Goodson