Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rocky XV

Hi lovely friends

Today is possibly the first day when I can't bring myself to tell you all that has happened in the last 24 hours because it's all too raw and upsetting and difficult. I feel like I did when David was first diagnosed, that I am living in a nightmare world where all the days start to merge into one and I hope that at some point I will wake up and realize it was all just a bad dream and all the pain and grief and stress that I am living under will fade into memory. But I am sadly wide awake and the nightmare is very real and it is a infinitely worse for David, which hurts even more. At the moment I feel like I am rolling with the punches, each one of which floors me and I just have to keep coming back for more, rushing from hope to utter despair and back again. Please believe me when I say that I am not trying to be over dramatic and honestly no one can help - it's just the truth of where I am at and tonight I am not feeling brave or positive...just tired and lonely. I know you are all there for us...thankyou...

However my friends what I can do is give you an overview and happily there is some good news in there. The very good news is that the anti sickness drugs finally seem to be working and David is beginning to feel better after a very shaky start this morning where his blood pressure dropped dramatically and he was in terrible pain and they rushed him in for an x ray to try and find out what was happening. As the day progressed his blood pressure also returned to fairly normal and the pain lessened so physically things are a bit more positive.

I have to be at the hospital for 8.30 tomorrow as the surgical team took a look at today's scan and may decide to give him an operation to relieve a blockage in his bowel which they said on Friday was not there. They are apparently coming in the morning to speak to him but what this blockage is or what the surgery might entail I have no clue as the surgeon who came to see him today initially said that it was not worth doing due to the spread of his cancer....please say you are also confused!! He may also need to have his stomach drained again tomorrow but again no definites at this point - you begin to get a sense of my frustration.

Hopefully we may also see Dr Bulusi tomorrow but again no guarantees..depends on his workload so it may be Friday. We trust him above anyone else (medically)so please pray...can't say anymore tonight except thanks my guardian angels Nick and Sarah for all you did today.

Love as always, sleep well,



Anonymous said...

I've sat here for 20 minutes now trying to think of the 'right' words to say, but I can't find them.

I just wanted to say how touched I am that you shared this with the blog world. I pray tomorrow that God will hold you as you walk through those hospital doors and will watch over you throughout the day. I know it's typical Sunday school but, God Loves you so much.

I Love you Jewish Momma -Florence
~kiss kiss~

Thanks everyone for your kind words, it really does mean so much to Teresa.

-Chlo Chlo x

Ady said...

luv you all from little bro

Anonymous said...

Don't be lonely, we are all with you if not physically in thoughts and prayers. Love as always Lynne & Nick xx

Jane Charsley said...

Thinking of you all and hoping and praying for David - and for you all. Anything we can do then just ask,
Love Jane & co

Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa,

You don't know me but I worked with David many years ago at the Pearl. My husband John was diagnosed with the same as David a month later than David was. We have followed yours and Davids blogg since the beginning. It has been very informative and helpful to us. At this time we want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. I, as a wife know how difficult all this is and how much strength and courage it takes. Our hearts go out to you both and we thank you for being so unselfish, honest and for sharing your experiences which have helped us enormously. - Liz & John xx

Anonymous said...

To david, teresa and family

Thinking of you all


Uncle Richard and family


Jackie G said...

Flo - I can only add my thoughts/emotions/good wishes to those that have already been written. My fears are that this may be a step too far for our brave, courageous and determined 'Ever Ready'. I'm not giving up hope and I wish more than anything that he will bounce back and have a big part to play in our lives - my fear is that our bodies and physical make up is too frail to cope with the onslaught this illness is giving him. I shall pray and pray that you find the strength to deal with whatever is around the next corner. My heart, love and forever good wishes are with you and David tonight, tomorrow and forever. Sending you the biggest and warmest hug - Jacks & Don xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I saw Chloe in the Harrold shop last night and she still had that beautiful smile on her face! What a lovely girl she is, I sensed she was sad but yet she was still smiling. She filled me in with how David is and I never knew there was this blog. I shall read back through and get my head around what's been happening. I don't know you -Teresa, but David often comes into the school to collect Carys from dance and chats to us. I am deeply sad to hear about how quickly things have happened. God Bless each and everyone of you. Thanks Chloe for the blog link. I shall pass it around.

Love from Paul and Co.