Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ah.... Bisto...


James finally stopped honking... we can use the bowl for salad again now (only joshing!). We had to stay in yesterday morning to allow James to sleep till 12.00. Went out for lunch to Pont Aven to a regular Italian haunt of ours. Much to James' horror (as regulars) we are always kissed by the lady owner - now, at my age 'any kiss will do 'but James is 12 and 3/5ths and mortified by public snoggage. After lunch we hunted for a wine cooler in anticipation of chilled 'al fresco' plonk in the summer.

Can't believe how quickly my little garden grows here; we're watching the clematis take over the shed at about a plank's growth a day - only other thing that grows so quickly is Sam (my nephew) lovingly known as Roswell on account of his big eyes and lanky frame. I'm known as 'ping' on account of my shaved head resembling a ping-pong ball. Carys is known as 'Fang' (occasional strops) - we'll leave it there...., Amy is 'Mu' after Mu Barek the president (ex now I think) of Egypt. Teresa is 'Her Ladyship' or more recently 'Florence'. James is 'Smudge'.

Today is Sunday. The nearest protestant church is 45 miles away so no hearty Methodist singing, however Sunday lunch is under construction even as we speak. Much to our sad delight the local supermarket has opened a British section complete with salad cream, Birds custard, PG tips and Marmite. What's more Bisto to adorn aforementioned Sunday roast. When in Rome do as the English do. We are resisting the footie shirts and lager though. Well I am - Florence is Florence you know.

On to the boring stuff - swallowing is causing a few problems again - I have to eat s-l-o-w-l-y. As a concept I don't do 'slow' so this is a challenge. It's always the same at this point in the chemo cycles. If it wasn't for my extra week off I be on round #4 on Wednesday. At this stage the intravenous stuff is wearing off and the blasted tumour starts growing again - hence the swallowing problems.

I had a little bit of an emotional wobble yesterday. The first three months have been MAD. Tests, chemo, three trips here, dying grandparents, MA dissertations. From next Monday life begins again. I'm not up to working (too tired) and resting horrifies me, need a strategy - please resist any references to 'Be still and know that I am God'. God knows me and knows me 'still'. Honest.

Reading, light gardening, macrame - who knows?? Seriously, our amazing church can always use help - watch out for the best Methodist web-site on the planet and Youth Group meetings that will win awards for ingenuity, creativity and content!

Once again you fantastic bunch thanks for being there for me. Thanks for your 'posts' Sian, Chloe, John, Mu, Lyndsey and others.

Time to shower now else 'Ping' will become 'Pong' and that will never do. Do however have a fresh bar of Imperial Leather from the British section at 'Intermarche'.

Luv ya

Dave xxxxxxxxxxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
We all know you don't so still!!!
We have a strategic planning meeting coming up at our lovely little church in April so get those grey cells working. Ken preached at a little Baptist church today where a friend is trying to bring some new life. Apart from one woman they were all quite eldeley and content to let things drift along until they die. Sad but inevitable if the older people hold on to the reins for too long. Not going to happen at Wootton though. We have great hopes for the next generation so get your thinking/planning hats on. Now the dissertation is out of the way we want to see it put into practice.
Too much for you to do Dave to be too still. Must be sensible though and listen to Florence when she tells you to rest. See you soon. Love Mu

Anonymous said...

Slowing down is rather frustrating after being active and busy but I have had several years of practice now so maybe it has paid off in the long run. I was going into Derby on the bus last week and I saw the bus coming and decided to try and make a dash. Kindly the driver did stop but he thought I was having a coronary!!!! as I was gasping. I just stood there taking in oxygen as qickly as my lung would allow. Know not to do that again - quite took the wind out of my sails for the rest of the day. I was in Church this morning and there were people coughing all around me so when I got home I got out Vick's First Defence to try and ward off any germs.
Hope the swallowing is not getting too bad. Chew each mouthful 28 times I believe - slows you down lots.
Your mantra will have to be:- Hour by Hour and Day by Day I'm getting better in every way. I say it to the ticking of a clock as I am dropping off to sleep.
Activity, rest, activity, rest together with a glass of the old vino works wonders.
Take care and enjoy your break.
Love Jenny x