Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Derbyshire - The Channel - France!

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been a very bad blog-boy, sorry! Back on track now. Thank-you Chloe for covering for me yesterday - mad but wise badgerwiseroonie! Hero Nanny! Au Pair extraordinaire!

The Ruby wedding party in Derbyshire on Sunday went really well. Congratulations Joy & Bob; 40 years! It was great to meet relatives I never new I had, Great Auntie Doris, second cousin Anne, second cousin (once removed) Victoria – loads of Redferns I never knew existed.

Our weekend with my brother Adrian was brill, we bought the kids a Nintendo Wii on Saturday and basically spent all weekend playing on it. Easter Sunday at chapel lived up to all our expectations – mad as ever and a real celebration; the best Christian festival of the year. Well led Mu! Waking up to an inch of snow was strange though. Since when does it snow on Easter Day??

After the party we had a fantastic evening with John & Amanda – we laughed like drains (do drains laugh?). The kids went back with mum and dad so we had a very civilised Easter Monday breakfast and morning before heading off to my parents who took us out to lunch. Perfect weekend!

I spent the rest of Monday evening working on the dissertation. Teresa got up at 6.00 a.m. on Tuesday morning and proof read for 4 hours. What a hero – thanks Florence. Brace yourself, it’s finished! Printed off and posted! Three years work in the bag – let’s hope I pass, I need 50% at least!

Tuesday was mad. Our mates (Nick & Sarah) had Carys for the morning whilst we packed, copied dissertations, did the banking and shopped! My scan was at 1.50 – all pretty straightforward, I get the results in 10 days time. I’m still feeling really well.

We set off at 4.30 p.m., got to Portsmouth by 7.00 and got straight on the boat. We had a great meal in the posh restaurant, a bottle of plonk and hit the sack by 9.30. We had a perfect smooth crossing, breakfast (posh restaurant again) and got off the boat by 8.00. We reached the cottage at 11.00 this morning and everything was fine. Teresa loved the work we’d done here a few week ago’ phew! The fire’s lit, the heating on and we’re watching ‘Bargain Hunt’ on Sky; how said is that! Thank goodness Freeview reaches Brittany.

You’ll all be pleased to know we’re not planning on doing much over the next ten days. Just chillin! Promise I’ll blog every day – honest.

Anyone reading this who knows us or works for us can use the cottage here for free –anytime apart from school holidays when we’re here. No charge but you’ll have to mow the lawn, weed the flowerbed and clean. We don’t hire the cottage out but love to let friends use it for nowt. E mail us if you’re interested on

The picture is me with hair still but minus James (middle one); not sure where he was!

Signing off now – the joy of daytime TV is just too much.

See ya.

Dave. xxxxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi David holidaying in France and taking a well earned rest and relaxation time after your whirlwind trips around the UK.

When you lose what you love you go through five stages
a)Denial - no it can't be happening
b)Anger - God why are you permitting this
c)Bargaining - Please make it go away
d)Depression - Silence and withdrawal
e)Acceptance - Not my will but thine be done.
Whether it is the loss of a partner, child, marriage, job,health, etc when you turn to God He'll give you the grace to embrace it, grieve it, express it, release it and go on to become stronger.

By the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.
Grace is God doing for us what we cannot do for ourselves. This doesn't mean that it does not involve effort because we have to do our bit.
As you are diligent in prayer and witness, you will know God's supply of Grace.

Hope the results of the test are positively good.
In our prayers Jenny x

Jean said...

I remember snow at Easter. Some years ago in the caravan one Easter holiday and it snowed - proper snow. We don't get proper snow anymore.
My mum lives in France already so our French hols are sorted but if ever we want to venture further afield we will bear your offer in mind.
Have a great break,

Chloe said...

I want to attempt some French...

Me llamo Chloe alias tejón loco. Yo no puedo hablar a francés muy bien pero fui a este sitio web que cambia su texto inglés en francés. ¿Cómo hago yo? Yo lo apuesto es toda una pila de ranas francesas. Tenga una gran vacaciones y no beba vino demasiado francés.

Mucho Adora Chloe

Chloe said...

Oh no!! That was in Spanish...

I'll try again!


Mon nom est Chloe alias le blaireau fou. Je ne peux pas parler le français très bien mais je suis allé à ce site web qui change votre texte anglais dans français. Comment fais-je ? Je parie c'est tout un tas de grenouilles françaises. Avoir une grandes vacances et ne boire pas le vin trop français.

Beaucoup d'Aimer Chloe

Anonymous said...

Dovid the wine swiller, not gonna bother trying to fast while you are in Francaise, as we get a blow by blow account of each meal, snack, and bottle that passes your lips.
Glad to hear you plan to relax, in between scoffing and quaffing, that is.
Our Alaskan Husky didn't like the us to get a woosy one. We love him anyway.
Chloe seems to think we are farmers.I am far too refined.......
Have replied to you Chloe, on yesterdays blog.
Well, have a great break, and rest in that rucksack. Bless Florence for the proof reading of your constipation thingy...obviously having a day off, lots of spolling mistokes in this blog, Dovid!!!!
Still, must be the effects of all the travelling around those mini-bars.......

Enjoy! Rest. Laugh. Love, and BE HEALED.
The yearning trace.

LOL to all you Ridfins.
Letters....urgh MIIZO.

(more) Icecream
Oh yes, I will have another glass.

Sianaroonie, the cheeky one!

Anonymous said...

Hi David hope your doing ok, have a lovley break and take the opportunity to rest sounds like you have been really busy lately. Send my love to all
Love Lindsey
PS Dad sends his love

David Redfern said...

Hi Jenny

My journey has been a strange one. At diagnosis I wasn't surprised at all, I knew. I can honestly say I've not felt angry, never asked 'why me?'. Why not me? Cancer is not a punishment; it's just totally random. I beleive in a God who can and does heal. I hope and trust that will be my experience but that's up to Him. Things might change, I'm not in too much pain and I don't know how I might be if that time comes - strong I hope. I know it seems like I'm still busy but in comparison to my life before I'm on holiday. I'm staying positive with the help of my God, Florence and my fantastic church and friends.

You are so right Jenny, God's grace is sufficient.

God bless and thanks for all your encouragement.

Luv Dave

David Redfern said...

Thanks to everyone who posts me comments - sorry I don't get to respond to each one.

You're all a real blessing.

