Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Carbis Bay & Passover = Shalom!

Home Again!

Sorry that my blogging has been a bit patchy over the weekend, all these hotels promise broadband but it’s always a pain to get on line.

As I said on Sunday the Boskerris Hotel; in Carbis Bay was fantastic. One of the best little hotels we’ve ever stopped in, perfect!

On Monday we all met up at my Granddad’s house and then drove down to the chapel where the funeral was held. The minister did a great job, my dad gave the eulogy (which was brill and no notes!), I did a reading. The singing was great we had ‘Abide With Me’ and ‘And Can It Be’ and raised the roof (nothing worse than a funeral with lacklustre singing!). He was buried at Phylack Churchyard which is literally in the dunes. The grave is dug in the sand and the sea is just a stones throw away – quite a spot. After that we all went (along with guests) to the Carbis Bay Hotel for a ‘bit of a do’ and a good old reminisce. The view from this place was amazing , right across St Ives Bay. It was great to catch up with my Grandma’s old friends. She died in the 80s when I was at Cliff College and I’d not seen many of them since I preached at the chapel when I was 16.

After the wake we invited everyone back to our hotel for drinkie poos at our hotel before all going out for a bracing walk and Italian meal in St Ives in the evening. My mum and dad and auntie and uncle left the ‘youngsters’ – all the cousin in St Ives.

We set off at 8.00 am this morning and were back home by 2.00 pm. I picked up Rosie, unpacked and made dinner. Off tonight to help lead our fellowship’s youth group (XLR8) we doing a Passover Meal with it being near Easter and all. Don’t worry, I’m not doing too much I slept from St Ives to Bristol (3 hours!).

I'm feeling OK, a bit sick and not too much in the way of an appetite as the day goes on but generally OK.

I let you know how the Passover went tomorrow.




Jean said...

David, you whirl-wind!!!
Glad things went Ok.


Anonymous said...

Not one mention of a mini-bar!
Sorry, missed your pray-in this time. My Volvo got stuck in the mud in the pony field on Saturday ( don't ask why Neil drove it in there in the first place...sore point!) So, unfortunately we spent Sunday afternoon trying to tow it out!!!! We have great people around us, always willing to help, so after a lot of huffing and puffing, we managed it!
However, even though we were not there in person, we were there in prayer. We had a jolly good pray for you anyway! I do now though wonder if God is trying to keep me off the road...and i have only been driving for three years!

Glad your weekend went ok. sorry to hear the Bath hotel was not a good experience.
I know that Florence is taking good care of you. God put this wonderful person in your life on purpose.
Hope youth group went well.
Every blessing to you and yours,
Internet hugs, and more yearning.
Sianaroonie. xxxxxxxxxxx

letters ohcru
Redfern (Ridfin)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
couldn't resist todays letters gzmakms
we all ned a bit of that
Love Mu & Ken