Monday, March 3, 2008

Arty Fun In Pont Aven

Hi Everyone

Greetings again from Brittany! We set off from home well on time yesterday afternoon and got to Portsmouth by 7.00 pm. Unfortunately my mum, who doesn’t travel well, was green before we left the M25 (never mind getting onto the boat). The crossing was not too rough though and we got a good night’s sleep. We’d booked a posh cabin so had a spot of luxury, proper beds, TV/DVD, mini bar – a real treat – thanks for booking it Florence!

We had a great drive down from St Malo to Scaer – it always seems as though the light is brighter here some how. We drove through sunshine, rain and hale – typical Breton weather. Everything was fine at the cottage – our little mouse friend had taken the bait we laid for it two weeks ago and passed away in the cupboard – yuck, decomposing mouse is not pleasant and sort of falls to bits when you try to move it. I’m not too brave with dead things – I might live in the country but I’m a townie at heart. Dead mice are a bit too ‘rural’ for me. We only arrived at the cottage at 12.00 but after a quick trip to the supermarket and lunch we’d started work by 1.00 pm.

Dad’s fitting a window in the front door because the hall is dark – he started straight away. Mum got on cutting up underlay ready for us to fit the stair runner tomorrow and then mum and I painted the stairs walls and ceiling. We really did loads on our first afternoon. If we start early we could finish everything by tomorrow evening and manage a day or two off.

Tonight we went down to Pont Aven for dinner. Had a great time people watching in the restaurant. The arty Bohemian crowd were in, very cosmopolitan. Lovely moment when a unpopular older bloke joined the group and the conversation died instantly. The restaurant is right on the port, beautiful spot and run by a scary lady who, as my mum would say, ‘wears comfortable shoes’. As we speak we’re back at the cottage watching Coro and warming ourselves by the stove. What a brill wife I have; she’s holding the fort and I’m here living it up. Thanks Florence.

I’m feeling really well at the moment. Just two more days of chemo tablets to go and then a week off before the next intravenous day on Wednesday 12th. The sore mouth’s a lot better, appetite’s good (had a pizza the size of Kent this evening), swallowing is back to normal again. Sometimes I just forget I’m ill but they keep telling me I am.

Good night everyone, be good for mum Carys, James & Chloe, miss you Florence.

Thanks for your prayers everyone they’re working!


Chloe said...

yo dad hows it hangin?
r u havin fun?
lol :)
you got wiied
See Ya


Chloe said...


I've summed you up!

You're now an OAP.

Anyways...just wanted to say NO we don't miss you and things are great!

(hamster face)

...come back soon Pappa!

We're going to the beach tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi David

So sorry to hear what your going through but it sounds like you are coping really well, and keeping positive which is all good, i must say what a good idea this blogg idea is never heard of it before. your photos are lovely
Thinking of you love Lindsey Llewellyn

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Bonjour, glad to hear you are enjoying yourselves, and that you HAVE enjoyed the mini bar....again!
Abby has joined in with the letters game, so here is her suggestion for tonights letters.
We are working on the
Go David, go go go David yeh!!!!
But of course we did not have those letters, so Abbys suggestion works on the fact that she has graduated from the Dovid Ridfin Scoal of Spolling.
Our letters are...rgowmgs


Tell Mum a few neat brandies is good for travel sickness...well if you are going to be sick anyway...!
Hope you are relaxing in that rucksack.
The yearning trace.
Siany, and Abby.

Been chasing those naughty ponies round the village this week, as they have turned into mini Houdinis,better bring a lassoo when you come over!

David Redfern said...

Chloe - you mad old badger face!

Lindsey - hi cousin - glad you've found me in blogland. I'm doin OK, taking a day at a time!

Sianaroonie - we'll come give those ponies a good talking to next week. My leters tonight are kdlqmhh - what can you do with those????

Thanks for posting all of you! I'm soooo blessed to have so many good friends and releis.

Luv Dave

Anonymous said...

Dear Dovid,
I am posting this reply on Thursday,as I needed time to get over the man flu.!

Had too much wine to think of your own letter game then?
Your letters are as awkward as mine. Anyway, took some time, but here goes- kdlqmhh


The yearning trace.
Love ya too.