Friday, March 28, 2008

Sunday's Report

Well Sunday didn’t work out quite like we were expecting.

Church happened without too much drama, we were asked to share about Stockholm which was a real privilege. We ate the Lord’s Supper together and Graham Miles our minister preached. As always we had a great time with God.

In the afternoon we headed off to Shepperton studios near Heathrow to see the recording of ‘Gladiators’ with our friends the Goodsons. Unfortunately there was mix up, over tickets and we couldn’t get in. So we headed off to Windsor for a few hours instead. Believe it or not this was somewhere Teresa and I had never been. It’s a beautiful town, the river is lovely and the castle spectacular. We had tea and scones and did some window shopping – very English! It seemed blissfully inexpensive after Stockholm which is ‘nose bleedingly’ expensive, £6.50 for a beer and no wine under £30 a bottle, eek!

Got quite a week coming up. Chemo #5 on Wednesday, a consultant’s appointment tomorrow. I’m really not looking forward to the chemo, the last dose was nasty.

Have a good week friends.

God bless


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