Thursday, March 6, 2008

We're Coming Home We've Done Our Time!

Hello Troopers

All plans for our last day went by the wayside as mum woke up with vertigo (which she suffers from periodically) – she can’t stand up or move so the car journey to Roscoff and boat trip back to Plymouth could be interesting. We’ve spent the day doing jobs, cleaning up and leaving the cottage in a fit state for our return with the family at Easter. We’re coming back on the Tuesday after Easter for 10 days.

Got to get back to Bedford by 3.00 for Teresa’s second PIC (Peripherally Inserted Catheter) lesson, she learning to change the dressing like the true Florence she is! The ferry leaves Roscoff at 10.00 (French time) and gets in at 8.00 (UK time). The boat works on English time so 9.00 pm – 8.00 am is 11 hours – not too much fun with vertigo.

Just met the new puppy next door, our neighbours are English – they’ve just built a house on the plot behind our cottage. The puppy is a French boxer called ‘Jed’. Not sure if he speaks English or French though? We’ve been invited rounds at Easter for drinky poos.

Thanks to all those who e mailed me direct, I’ll respond tomorrow. It is great to hear from you all especially my cousin Lindsey who I haven’t seen for ages. I’m a bit tight for time to respond this afternoon!

Need to stop blogging and watching ‘Countdown’ and pack the car or we’ll never make Roscoff on time.

I’ll report in from home tomorrow evening.

PS – still feeling VERY well!

Luv Dave


Anonymous said...

Hi Dovid,
Hope you and Ma and Pa are safely ensconced in good old Britland.
Bruce Almighty is a great film, we are going to watch Evan Almighty on box office tomoorow.....apparently Evan gets called to build an ark.!!!
Had two cans of rocket fuel this evening, its called "Keeping up with the Ridfins" Can't keep up on the eating side, but the rest, well the competition starts here!

Where is John and his word game?
C'mon John, wakey, wakey!
Oh blimey, just noticed my letters....zqyeaem!!!! Help!!!!

Love to you all,

John write these things in a book said...

.....thanks for noticing my tardiness sian, back with a vengeance - wobbly letters here we come: ohisj

john..........and his wobbly word game.



and then it could be


welcome home you old frog dave, just got back from hinklebrains for a curry where we talked about healing till my brain hurt, watched a rheinhert Bonnke video about a woman jumping out of a wheelchair. the whole thing was as mad as a box of frogs, crackers as a packet of jacobs - yet here we sit in a universe that flummox's the boffins and a human body that can't be fathomed wondering why we don't quite understand God. All i keep coming back to mate Dave is sick and he needs a miracle, what ever that looks like, where ever it pops up from...we wanna be up for it.

keep the word game going guys we've only just begun to mine the depths of cheese available....

big love to ya allxxx


the alfage said...

Hi Uncle Dave,

Sorry i've been off the computer for a while. I've been far too busy keeping mummy and daddy awake at night and...having real food. Yep, everything I know is learnt from you so this week, I've been swallowing solid stuff!!! (Apparently next week I'll be learning to drink copious amounts of red wine and fall out of a hot tub!!)It's certainly tasty, although mummy and daddy do make stupid faces when giving it to me.
It's great to have you back in the country and I would love to see you before your next round of chemo as mummy and daddy have a little gift for you.
Loads of love from your favourite baby XXXXXXX