Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Carpenters & Carpet Fitters

Hi everyone,

We are now the proud owners of a great front door (complete with new diamond shaped window) and a newly carpeted set of stairs. Mum and Dad have been heroes; working like mad all day, the cottage looks great. We’ve managed to finish after two days which means we get tomorrow off to walk along the prom, prom, prom tiddly pom, pom, pom. Seriously; ma and pa have been great, dad’s done a great job, mum is looking after me and has been busy as a patient assistant to carpenter (dad) and carpet fitter (me)!

We went out for a great meal tonight at a hotel in the centre of Pont Aven. Had a bizarre starter complete with totally rank tripe sausage (gagsville), main course of pink sea trout (yum) and fantastic rice pudding for afters. We’re so full now we can’t move.

Planning a day trip tomorrow to beautiful Benodet; hoping the weather’s going to kind and un-brittanylike. Today’s been beautiful, sunny, clear but cold. We were a bit worried yesterday as the ferries from Plymouth to Roscoff were cancelled due to bad weather but it seems to have calmed down a bit. No snow like Teresa said there was in Bedford today. We head home from Roscoff on Thursday night.

Still feeling well (unbelievably so), swallowing, mouth and sickness all OK. Even forget sometimes there’s anything wrong at all. Can’t believe I’m back on chemo again next week – quite hard to go for chemo knowing you’ll feel so ill afterwards when you feel so well beforehand. It’s doing the job though – so I’m not complaining.

I’m missing Teresa, we’re really old fashioned. We love each other and each other’s company so much – it’s great to be here, but it would be perfect if Teresa was here too.

Thanks for all your comments - great to hear from my cousin Lindsey, Chloe and Sian today. If you want to send an 'off-piste' e mail you can on peaktandd@aol.com.

I thought that tomorrow I'd explain who everyone is for those who are reading but don't know.

Talking of comments - how are you Alfie? Uncle Dave's not heard from you for a while.

Hope you all had a good Tuesday - I've just been told off for drinking too much red wine by mum. I never touched a drop until lead astray by winebibbing Anglicans (was teetotal clean living Methodist boy). Sian's fault.

God Bless. Dave xxxx


Dee Vincent-Day said...

It is not just Anglicans that imbibe wine! Red wine is a detox agent, that's my excuse anyway.

Glad to hear that the prayers are working. I am so jealous of all that time you have to swan off to France and have a jolly good time!

I am glad that the prayers are working.




(in his)

Anonymous said...

Great night at XLR8 last. We played a very spiritual and Christian game of 'Articulate' and my team won. Tee-hee! 'Cos we're the best! Yeh! Yeh! The rest were rubbish!!!!
Whoops! I'm probably not to supposed to say that as a leader!!!
No-one's perfect, eh!
Glad to hear that you are having good time in France and are still feeling well. Keep it up!
Still blasting heaven or your behalf

Can't do the game today
Can't get the old head round it!

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear you are feeling so well and have got so much work done or rather pa with ma's assistance and you laid the carpet - well done.
a little poem for you - LEISURE by WH Davies -
What is life if, full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
and stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
and watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare.

The only time I felt ill was after having surgery and other treatments a bit of a bummer but ce'est la vie. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
luv Jenny